If you need to see which options are available for a given job you can just
run $MAHOUT_HOME/bin/mahout jobname to see the usage:

$ bin/mahout trainnb
Running on hadoop, using /home/user/hadoop/bin/hadoop and HADOOP_CONF_DIR=
14/03/25 06:24:22 WARN driver.MahoutDriver: No trainnb.props found on
classpath, will use command-line arguments only
14/03/25 06:24:23 ERROR common.AbstractJob: No input specified or
-Dmapred.input.dir must be provided to specify input directory

 [--input <input> --output <output> --labels <labels> --extractLabels
<alphaI> --trainComplementary --labelIndex <labelIndex> --overwrite --help

--tempDir <tempDir> --startPhase <startPhase> --endPhase <endPhase>]

Job-Specific Options:

  --input (-i) input               Path to job input directory.

  --output (-o) output             The directory pathname for output.

  --labels (-l) labels             comma-separated list of labels to
include in

  --extractLabels (-el)            Extract the labels from the input

  --alphaI (-a) alphaI             smoothing parameter

  --trainComplementary (-c)        train complementary?

  --labelIndex (-li) labelIndex    The path to store the label index in

  --overwrite (-ow)                If present, overwrite the output
                                   before running job

  --help (-h)                      Print out help

  --tempDir tempDir                Intermediate output directory

  --startPhase startPhase          First phase to run

  --endPhase endPhase              Last phase to run

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 3:17 AM, Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahm...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the correct syntax for this old command?
>    mahout trainclassifier -i traininginput -o wikipediamodel -mf 4 -ms 4
> It seems that trainclassifier is replaced by trainnb but this one has no
> -mf option.
> Regards,
> Mahmood

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