On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Pat Ferrel <p...@occamsmachete.com> wrote:

> As I said below RSJ is actually all that is needed. But with the entire
> recommender also integrated we can compare the two in the demo framework.
> For instance one of the lines of recs on a video detail page (the top one)
> is the actual RSJ output. When I get time, the recommend page will have a
> line of precalculated recs from the Mahout item recommender since those are
> already being generated. It will be interesting to see them side by side,
> could even form an A/B test around that if there were any traffic.

ItemSimilarityJob is actually just a wrapper around RowSimilarityJob that
also computes some similarities in the end (which I always ignore).  The
nice thing is that it does most of the format conversions for us.

If you ignore the weights that come out the far end, ISJ produce identical
results as RSJ.

> ....
> BTW dithering and anti-repeat/anti-flood are implemented on the recommend
> page. Dithering is done with varying lambdas, very high values are used on
> lists that change seldom, like “Recently Popular”.

Exactly the right practice.

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