I am Final year BE Student from Gujarat,India. right now studying in
Information Technology Branch. i have Final Year project as Document
Clustering using Hadoop.
At this stage i am able to find final result from cluster dump command in
which i can see number of document in particular cluster and their
respective top term.
i am also applying various distance Measure Technique with K-means
But the problem is that i want check that whether my clustering is good or
bad. so for that i need to calculate Entropy Value. I am not having any
idea how to calculate entropy in mahout or by other technique.
by finding entropy i can have good conclusion.
so please can anyone help me with these.


*Regards From:*

*Darshan  Sonagara*
*Collaborative Platform lead,** SSN Team | Gujarat Section.*

*Vice-Chairperson | **GCET IEEE SB.*

(: +*91* 9408002452

 : Darshan Sonagara<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/darshan-sonagara/64/11a/b54>
  : Darshan Sonagara <http://www.facebook.com/darshansonagara>

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