If you want, fork the github repo, do the integration and create a pull 
request. If the pull is accepted it will automatically be included in the 
Mahout build’s examples.

Some things to consider:
1) It is actually easier to use either Solr/Lucid/ElasticSearch’s web GUI for 
bare-bones illustration purposes. You’d have to enter the recs query by hand.  
For demo purposes some example queries could be created ahead of time to 
illustrate the recs generating queries. I did this myself but didn’t include it 
in the example. I’d actually recommend this as a simple illustration.
2) I’d suspect the Solr+DB integration route would be the most common way 
people would actually use this but I could be wrong. This is what I did on the 
demo site but far beyond what you’d put in an example.
3) What data to use? Unless the data has human readable item ids, the demo is 
not as compelling

I can’t give you the demo site’s data since I mined the web for it, which 
allows me to use it but I don’t think I can republish it. Data actually 
gathered on the site by users I could share but there isn’t enough to work 
with. Maybe Ted has some from his demo.

On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:18 AM, Saikat Kanjilal <sxk1...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:18 AM, "Saikat Kanjilal" <sxk1...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Is it worth it to add in the elasticsearch piece into the demo and tie that 
> into a generic mvc framework like spring, in fact we could leverage spring 
> data's elasticsearch plugin.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 26, 2014, at 9:08 AM, "Pat Ferrel" <p...@occamsmachete.com> wrote:
>> Yes, it already does. It’s not named well, all it really does is create an 
>> indicator matrix (item-item similarity using LLR) in a form that is 
>> digestible by a text indexer. You could use Solr or ElasticSearch to do the 
>> indexing and queries.
>> In the actual installation on the demo site https://guide.finderbots.com the 
>> indicator matrix is put into a DB and Solr is used to index the item 
>> collection’s similarity data field. The queries are handled by the web app 
>> framework. If I swapped out Solr for ElasticSearch for indexing the DB, it 
>> would work just fine and I looked into how to integrate it with my web app 
>> framework (RoR). The integration methods were significantly different though 
>> so I chose not to do both.
>> The reason I chose to put the indicator matrix in the DB is because it makes 
>> it very convenient to mix metadata into the recs queries. In the case of the 
>> demo site where the items are videos I have a bunch of recommendation types:
>> 1) user-history based reqs—query is recent user “likes” history, the query 
>> is on the videos collection specifying the similar items field, which is a 
>> list of video id strings. This is most usually what people think a 
>> recommender does but is only the start.
>> 2-9 are use various methods of biasing the results by genre metadata. Search 
>> engines also allow filtering by fields so you can specify videos filtered by 
>> source. So you can get comedies based on your “likes” filtered by source = 
>> Netflix. in fact when you set the source filter to Netflix every set of recs 
>> will contain only those on Netflix
>> There are so many ways to combine bias with filter and what you use as the 
>> query, that putting the fields in a DB made the most sense. I am still 
>> thinking of new ways to use this. For instance item-set similarity, which is 
>> used to give shopping cart recs in some systems. On the demo site you could 
>> do the same with the watchlist if there were enough watchlists. Use the 
>> user’s watchlist as query against all otehr watchlists and get back an 
>> ordered set of watchlists most similar to yours, take recs from there.
>> Some day I’ll write some blog posts about it but I’d encourage anyone with 
>> data to try the DB route rather than raw indexing of the text files just for 
>> the amazing flexibility and convenience it brings.
>> On Apr 26, 2014, at 8:25 AM, Saikat Kanjilal <sxk1...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Pat,
>> I was wondering if you'd given any thought to genericizing the Solr 
>> recommender to work with both Solr and elasticsearch, namely are there 
>> pieces of the recommender that could plug into or be lifted above a search 
>> engine ( or in the case of elasticsearch a set of rest APIs).  I would be 
>> very interested in helping out with this.
>> Thoughts?
>> Sent from my iPad

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