What does the author of the book say?

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 11:36 PM, François Bossière <
francois.bossi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently working on P. Giacomelli's great Mahout Cookbook and I am
> stuck with a problem of deprecated code.
> I am building the Text NaiveBayesClassifier using the code and It is
> written:
>     final BayesParameters params = new BayesParameters();
>     params.setGramSize( 1 );
>     params.set( "verbose", "true" );
>     params.set( "classifierType", "bayes" );
>     params.set( "defaultCat", "OTHER" );
>     params.set( "encoding", "UTF-8" );
>     params.set( "alpha_i", "1.0" );
>     params.set( "dataSource", "hdfs" );
>     params.set( "basePath", "/tmp/output" );
>     try {
>         Path input = new Path( "/tmp/input" );
>         TrainClassifier.trainNaiveBayes( input, "/tmp/output",params );
>         Algorithm algorithm = new BayesAlgorithm();
>         Datastore datastore = new InMemoryBayesDatastore( params );
>         ClassifierContext classifier = new ClassifierContext( algorithm,
> datastore );
>         classifier.initialize();
>         final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(
> args[ 0 ] ) );
>         String entry = reader.readLine();
>         while( entry != null ) {
>             List< String > document = new NGrams( entry, Integer.parseInt(
> params.get( "gramSize" ) ) ).generateNGramsWithoutLabel();
>             ClassifierResult result = 
> classifier.classifyDocument(document.toArray(
> new String[ document.size() ]),params.get( "defaultCat" ) );
>             entry = reader.readLine();
>         }
>     } catch( final IOException ex ) {
>         ex.printStackTrace();
>     } catch( final InvalidDatastoreException ex ) {
>         ex.printStackTrace();}
> My problem is that I can't find the classes BayesParameters, Datastore,
> TrainClassifier etc... Looks like they are deprecated. Can someone write me
> the equivalent with the modern classes, would be awesome?! Or is there a
> link to find the updated version?

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