Now that we have multi-action/cross-cooccurrences in ItemSimilarity we can 
start playing with taking in multiple actions to recommend one. On the demo 
site I have data for thumbs up and down but have only been using thumbs up as 
the primary action. I then filter recs by a user’s thumbs down interactions. 
However there are now some new options.

1) Might it be better to use the thumbs down as a second action type? Basically 
this would imply that a user’s dislike of certain items may be an indicator of 
their liking others? Since we are using Solr to return recs we’d just use a two 
field query so no need to combine recs.

2) Get completely independent thumbs-down recs and filter by those instead of 
only the thumbs-down interactions? Probably a pretty tight threshold or number 
of items recommended would be good here to protect against false negatives.

The data is there and the demo site is pretty easy to experiment with. I’m 
integrating spark-itemsimilarity now so if anyone has a good idea of how to 
better use the data, speak up. It seems like 1 and 2 could be used together so 
I’ll probably create some setting that allows a user to experiment on their own 

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