Mahout does not guarantee specified recs for each user. There are many reasons, 
e.g, there might not be enough similar users or items for a user.

Peng Zhang

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 15, 2014, at 3:15 PM, Wei Li <> wrote:
> Hi Mahout Users:
>    We are using the RecommderJob to perform the item-based
> recommendations, the following settings are used:
> numRecommendations=20
> other parameters are set to default values
> while we see that the size of the recommendation results for some users is
> less than 20, only 1 or 2. Since we have no time to dive into the source
> code now, we do know if we see the right parameters. Does any one can help
> us on this issue? many thanks :)
> Best
> Wei

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