Hi All,

Are there any (dis)advantages of using tri-factorization (||X - USV'||) as
opposed to bi-factorization ((||X - UV'||)) for recommender systems? I have
been reading a lot about tri-factorization and how they can be seen as
co-clustering of rows and columns and was wondering if such as technique is
implemented in Mahout?

Also, I am particularly interested in implicit-feedback datasets and the
only MF approach I am aware of is the ALS-WR for implicit feedback data
implemented in mahout. Are there any other MF techniques? If not, is it
possible (and useful) to extend some tri-factorization to handle
implicit-feedback along the lines of "Collaborative Filtering for Implicit
Feedback Datasets" (the approach implemented in Mahout).

I apologize for any inconvenience as this question is very general and
might not be relevant to Mahout and I would really appreciate any


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