I don't have a terminal in front of me but are you sure tfidf-vectors is a
file, not a directory?

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Raghuveer <alwaysra...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> I have data file of the formatsrc_ip,dest_ip,packet, bytes_transferred,
> src_port,dest_port, start_timestamp
>,, 1, 54, 55704, 52747, 1341775056478
>,, 2, 1568, 52747, 55704, 1341775056478
> Firstly the text like src_ip should be converted to a number i think as
> per my reading how can i do this?I ran the following code successfully
> without any errors:./mahout seqdirectory --input
> /upload/20120708-0031-0060.csv --output /upload/output1
> ./mahout seq2sparse -i /upload/output1 -o /upload/output2
> but the output is emptydrwxr-xr-x   - admin supergroup     0
> /upload/output4/df-count
> -rw-r--r--   2 admin supergroup  2008  /upload/output4/dictionary.file-0
> -rw-r--r--   2 admin supergroup  1593  /upload/output4/frequency.file-0
> drwxr-xr-x   - admin supergroup     0  /upload/output4/tf-vectors
> drwxr-xr-x   - admin supergroup     0  /upload/output4/tfidf-vectors
> drwxr-xr-x   - admin supergroup     0  /upload/output4/tokenized-documents
> drwxr-xr-x   - admin supergroup     0  /upload/output4/wordcount
> i should have got something in tfidf-vectors isnt it? Can you kindly
> suggest what am missing.thanks in advance

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