Hello everyone, I'm new to mahout, to recommender systems and to the mailing list.
I''m trying to find a (fast) way to write back preferences to a file. I tried a few methods but I'm sure there must be a better approach. Here's the deal (you can find the same post in stackoverflow[1]). I have a training dataset of 800.000 records from 6000 users rating 3900 movies. These are stored in a comma separated file like: userId,movieId,preference. I have another dataset (200.000 records) in the format: userId,movieId. My goal is to use the first dataset as a training-set, in order to determine the missing preferences of the second set. So far, I managed to load the training dataset and I generated user-based recommendations. This is pretty smooth and doesn't take too much time. But I'm struggling when it comes to writing back the recommendations. The first method I tried is: * read a line from the file and get the userId,movieId tuple. * retrieve the calculated preference with estimatePreference(userId, movieId) * append the preference to the line and save it in a new file This works, but it's incredibly slow (I added a counter to print every 10.000th iteration: after a couple of minutes it had only printed once. I have 8GB-RAM with an i7-core... how long can it take to process 200.000 lines?!) My second choise was: * create a new FileDataModel with the second dataset * do something like this: newDataModel.setPreference(userId, movieId, recommender.estimatePreference(userId, movieId)); Here I get several problems: * at runtime: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException (as I found out in [2], FileDataModel actually can't be updated. I don't understand why the function setPreference exists in the first place...) * The API of FileDataModel#setPreference states "This method should also be considered relatively slow." I read around that a solution would be to use delta files, but I couldn't find out what that actually means. Any suggestion on how I could speed up my writing-the-preferences process? Thank you! Pier Lorenzo [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29423824/mahout-fast-performance-how-to-write-preferences-to-file [2] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.mahout.user/11330