The parameter 'unigram' may be what you want.

  --unigram (-u)              If set, unigrams will be emitted inthe
                      final output alongside collocations



2015-12-03 4:38 GMT+08:00 Ankur Desai (ankurdes) <ankur...@cisco.com>:

> Hi,
> I am running collocation on mahout and are having trouble understanding
> what the minsupport parameter is doing.
> I want to get the bigrams/trigrams that occur at least 5 times in the
> corpus.  I set the minsupport value to 5 and I am still getting results
> that are occur only one time in the entire corpus.
> Can someone please help me understand what this parameter is for or how I
> can get bigrams/trigrams that occur at least X number of times.
> Thanks,
> Ankur

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