Hello everyone,
I am newbie to Apache Mahout. I am using Apache mahout 0.11.2. So to give
it a try I created java class called samplereccommender.java which is
attached in attachment and I managed to run same code from command line as
*java -cp n.jar f.SampleReccommender n_lib/wishlistdata.txt*
Now from what I read on the internet and book "Mahout in action" I
understood that same code can be run on hadoop by using following commands.
first i need to include my recommender.java into existing
apache-mahout-distribution-0.11.2/mahout-mr-0.11.2-job.jar. So I followed
following procedure.

*jar uf
then i tried running mahout job using following command

*bin/hadoop jar
org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.item.RecommenderJob  -i
/input/wishlistdata.txt -o  /output/  --recommenderClassName \

But it gives me an error as :

*Unexpected --recommenderClassName while processing Job-Specific Options:*

I tried above command based on the syntax given "mahout in action" book
which is as mentioned below

hadoop jar mahout-core-0.5-job.jar \
org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.pseudo.RecommenderJob \
-Dmapred.input.dir=input/ua.base.hadoop \ -Dmapred.output.dir=output \
\ org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender.slopeone.SlopeOneRecommender

Am I doing anything wrong ? Also tell me whether the code I used for
standalone implementation same can be  be used for recommenderJobs or it
requires all together different implementation?

Thanks & Regards,

*Rohit Jain*
Web developer | Consultant
Mob +91 8097283931

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