The first Apache IoT mini-con is happening this year at ApacheCon, Miami!!

The following is a snipped from Roman Shaponshnik on the dev@community
list, perfectly describes the spirit of the mini-con:

"The whole premise of the track will be "Not your gramps IoT" which means
that unlike IoT events that grew out of the embedded industry we're talking
a very holistic, system view on IoT. Our hope is that Apache IoT will be a
meeting place for next generation IoT 2.0 built by developer, for
developers under the Apache Way governance model.

ASF's breadth starts making a lot of sense when you consider what kind of
technology is needed to build an end-to-end user experience in IoT 2.0: you
start at the edge, you consider the gateways, go to a data center and end
up on a client mobile device. All technology providers are now realizing
that the key to success is allowing developers unprecedented ease of
management and deployment of their business logic all throughout these
layers. Just look at what Amazon is doing with Lambda on the edge
(Amazon's Greengrass)!

The good news is that at ASF we've got all the building blocks available to
us in various communities. So regardless of whether you're an Apache
Mynewt (incubating) developer working on the far fringes of the edge, or
you are a Apache Brooklyn developer automating microservices provisioning
or you're plumbing data streams with Kafka, NiFi or Geode or
you're analyzing that data with Hadoop or you're a Tomcat or httpd
guru facilitating the end-user experience -- we all have pieces to
contribute to the IoT 2.0 puzzle."

I apologize for the mass email (and if you got this multiple times)
however, the Call for Submissions closes February 11th.  All of the
communities copied have something of significance to contribute to IoT, and
the list is not exhaustive- please feel free to forward to any who might be

Thanks and see you in Miami!

Trevor Grant
Data Scientist

*"Fortunate is he, who is able to know the causes of things."  -Virgil*

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