Hello, Mr Wright, and thank you for such a fast response. Well, the way I am 
using to try and communicate mcf and solr is via a SearchComponent. For this I 
added the apache-solr-mcf-3.6-SNAPSHOT.jar that comes in the file 
solr-integration to the lib folder of the deployment of the solr webapp in 
tomcat. Then I changed solrconfig.xml, adding this piece of code:

<!-- LCF document security enforcement component -->
<searchComponent name="mcfSecurity" 
<str name="AuthorityServiceBaseURL">http://localhost:8345/mcf</str>

<requestHandler name="/search" class="solr.SearchHandler" default="true">

    <!-- default values for query parameters can be specified, these

         will be overridden by parameters in the request


   <!--  <lst name="defaults">

       <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>

       <int name="rows">10</int>

       <str name="df">text</str>


<arr name="last-components">
<!--a bunch of comments-->

Last thing, I didn't write any additional Java code. I thought it wasn't 



-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Wright [mailto:daddy...@gmail.com] 
Sent: viernes, 02 de noviembre de 2012 10:21
To: user@manifoldcf.apache.org
Subject: Re: Problem with manifold

The ManifoldCF Solr plugin operates by requesting access tokens from ManifoldCF 
(which seems to be working fine), and using those to modify the incoming Solr 
search expression to limit the results according to those access tokens.

There are two ways (and two independent classes) you can configure to perform 
this modification.  One of these classes functions as a query parser plugin.  
The other functions as a search component.  Obviously, for either one to work 
right, the Solr configuration has to work properly too.  Can you provide 
details as to (a) which one you are using, and (b) what the configuration 
details are, e.g. the appropriate clauses from solrconfig.xml?


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 4:57 AM, Gonzalez, Pablo <pablo.gonzalez.do...@hp.com> 
> Hello,
> I don't know if you already got this message, but anyway here I go:
> I have been trying to connect ManifoldCF to Solr. I have a file system 
> in a remote server, protected by active directory.
> I have configured a manifold job to import only a part of the 
> documents under the file system. In fact, I do the importing process 
> from a file which only contains 2 documents, in order to make it 
> easier to see what is happening and get conclusions. Afterwards the 
> documents are output to the solr server.
> I have created a request handler called "selectManifold" to "connect"
> manifold and solr. Then I call it via
> http://[host]:8080/solr/selectManifold?indent=on&version=2.2&q=*%3A*&f
> q=&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=&explainOther=&hl.fl=&Authenticated
> UserName=user@domain . When doing this, tomcat's log (catalina.out) 
> writes this:
> oct 31, 2012 2:40:33 PM org.apache.solr.mcf.ManifoldCFSearchComponent
> prepare
> Información: Trying to match docs for user 'user@domain'
> oct 31, 2012 2:40:33 PM org.apache.solr.mcf.ManifoldCFSearchComponent
> getAccessTokens
> Información: For user 'user@domain', saw authority response 
> AUTHORIZED:Auth+active+directory+para+el+file+system (this one is the 
> active directory I'm currently using for the job) oct 31, 2012 2:40:33 
> PM org.apache.solr.mcf.ManifoldCFSearchComponent
> getAccessTokens
> Información: For user 'user@domain', saw authority response 
> AUTHORIZED:ad (this one isn't) oct 31, 2012 2:40:33 PM 
> org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
> Información: [] webapp=/solr path=/selectManifold 
> params={explainOther=&fl=*,score&indent=on&start=0&q=*:*&hl.fl=&wt=&fq
> =&version=2.2&rows=10&AuthenticatedUserName=user@domain}
> hits=0 status=0 QTime=183
> So, it effectively connects and gets my user's tokens. In fact, if I 
> go to http://[host]/mcf/UserACLs?username=user@domain, this is the 
> result:AUTHORIZED:Auth+active+directory+para+el+file+system
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-32-545
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1111
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-513
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1113
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1110
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1107
> TOKEN:active_dir:S-1-1-0
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-32-545
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1111
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-513
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1113
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1110
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1107
> TOKEN:ad:S-1-1-0
> Moreover, if I go to http://[host]:8080/solr/admin/schema.jsp and 
> search for the allow_token_document field, it says that
> active_dir:S-1-5-21-2039231098-2614715072-2050932820-1110
> (which appeared in the list of UserACLs) has frequency 2 (remember I 
> only have 2 documents indexed) And still, when I call 
> [host]:8080/solr/selectManifold?indent=on&version=2.2&q=*%3A*&fq=&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=&explainOther=&hl.fl=&AuthenticatedUserName=user@domain"
> class="external-link"
> rel="nofollow">http://[host]:8080/solr/selectManifold?indent=on&versio
> n=2.2&q=*%3A*&fq=&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=&explainOther=&hl.fl
> =&AuthenticatedUserName=user@domain,
>  it says no result has been found. Do you know why could it be?
> One final thing: when I call
> =&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=&explainOther=&hl.fl=,
> with the default handler (that is, without manifold) , it gives me a 
> result with the 2 documents I indexed Sorry for the long post but I 
> wanted you to have all the data.
> Pablo

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