Hi Julien,

Thanks for bringing the documentation issue to our attention.  Can you
create a ticket for that?

As for the problem: Do you not see log output for manifoldcf.log for (say)
the unaltered single-process example?  It has been a while since the port
to log4j2 was done but I'm pretty sure I saw log output after that port.  I
know for a fact that the IT tests generate log output without issue.

Please try to verify this.  Thanks!


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Julien Massiera <
julien.massi...@francelabs.com> wrote:

> Hi MCF community,
> I recently switched from MCF 2.5 to MCF 2.8.1 and I am a little bit
> confused with the agent logs.
> First of all I noticed that MCF is now using log4j2 and the documentation
> is not up to date on this point (the old logging.ini format is mentioned) :
> https://manifoldcf.apache.org/release/release-2.8.1/en_US/ho
> w-to-build-and-deploy.html#Logging+configuration+file+properties
> Then I decided to use the logging.xml provided in the example directory of
> MCF and I just changed the log level of the root logger :
> <Configuration status="warn" name="ManifoldCF" packages="">
>   <Appenders>
>     <File name="MyFile" fileName="logs/manifoldcf.log">
>       <PatternLayout>
>         <Pattern>%5p %d{ISO8601} (%t) - %m%n</Pattern>
>       </PatternLayout>
>     </File>
>   </Appenders>
>   <Loggers>
>     <Root level="all">
>       <AppenderRef ref="MyFile"/>
>     </Root>
>   </Loggers>
> </Configuration>
> The problem is that the logging file is correctly created but is never
> filled. Any idea of what's wrong ? Did I miss something ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Julien

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