
We configured MCF to use ZK sync instead of file sync. We noticed a huge 
improvement regarding the stability of the MCF jobs in every case especially 
for large data to index (15M of files using the Windows Share repository 
connector). Before that, we had some errors when the job was running randomly. 
With that change, we did not notice any error on the job so far.
However, after testing that configuration on several servers, we had errors 
reported and I would like to know what you suggest for that.
We installed MCF on servers that already have Solr 6.6.X on them. I saw on 
other threads on the mailing list that it was OK to use existing ZK 
installation rather than using a new ZK instance dedicated to MCF so we use the 
same ZK for both Solr and MCF.
After starting MCF and Solr, we noticed some errors on the MCF log for few 
servers : Session 0x0 for server localhost/, unexpected error, 
closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
Then after checking the ZK log we saw this message : "WARN 2017-10-23 
08:53:35,431 (NIOServerCxn.Factory: - 
ZooKeeper|ZooKeeper|zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory|Too many connections 
from / - max is 60"
Therefore we changed the parameter maxClientCnxns from 60 in our ZK 
configuration to 1000 as in the MCF zookeeper.cfg default file and there is no 
problem anymore.
I  would just like to know why this parameter needs to be so high for MCF needs 
and if other people share their ZK cluster with both Solr and MCF too without 
any problem. And last question I had : MCF uses Zookeeper 3.4.8 while Solr 6.6+ 
uses ZK 3.4.10.  As written above our ZK cluster version is 3.4.10 and we use 
MCF on it, is it ok to do that or would it be best to use a ZK installation 
with version 3.4.8 only for MCF ?  So far we did not see any problems using it.

Best regards, 

Olivier TAVARD

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