HI All,

Thanks for the timely replies. But I am basically concerned for the
language detection of the .doc,.pdf or any other data present in the

As per my understanding Tika Transformation provides functionality for the
But there is no output for the language of the documents.

The sequence used is:
1. Repoistory Connector(Web)
2. Tika Transformation
3. MetaData Adjuster
4.Output Connector(Elastic)

Is there anything which is being missed here for the language detection of
the documents?

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 2:35 PM Furkan KAMACI <furkankam...@gmail.com>

> Hi Nikita,
> First of all, OpenNLP is a transformation connector at ManifoldCF and
> should be enabled by default. It extracts named entities (people, locations
> and organizations) from document.
> You should download trained models to run OpenNLP connector. You can check
> here for such purpose: https://opennlp.apache.org/models.html
> Check here for a detailed explanation:
> https://github.com/ChalithaUdara/OpenNLP-Manifold-Connector
> Feel free to ask any questions when you try to integrate it. Also, you
> should explain the points if you cannot success to run it.
> Kind Regards,
> Furkan KAMACI
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:54 AM Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nikita,
>> Can you be more specific when you say "OpenNLP is not working"?  All that
>> this connector does is integrate OpenNLP as a ManifoldCF transformer.  It
>> uses a specific directory to deliver the models that OpenNLP uses to match
>> and extract content from documents.  Thus, you can provide any models you
>> want that are compatible with the OpenNLP version we're including.
>> Can you describe the steps you are taking and what you are seeing?
>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 12:44 AM Nikita Ahuja <nik...@smartshore.nl>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have query related to detect the language of the records/data which is
>>> going to be ingest in the Output Connector.
>>> OpenNLP connector is not working for the detection as per the user
>>> documentation, but this is not working appropriately. Please suggest is NLP
>>> has to be used if yes, then how it should be used or is there any other
>>> solution for this?
>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Nikita
>>> Email: nik...@smartshore.nl
>>> United Sources Service Pvt. Ltd.
>>> a "Smartshore" Company
>>> Mobile: +91 99 888 57720
>>> http://www.smartshore.nl

Thanks and Regards,
Email: nik...@smartshore.nl
United Sources Service Pvt. Ltd.
a "Smartshore" Company
Mobile: +91 99 888 57720

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