Greetings Alexandar - 

My apologies for my delayed response, I've been inundated as of late. 

./configure --disable-bundled 

is the easiest option if you have a system installed version of the libraries, 
but it doesn't yet handle protobuf. 

I'm not entirely certain where ubuntu is @ with regard to the full dep-graph, 
but it is available in fedora channels. 

You could also try if you're 
willing to live behind the times for a bit. 

I'm going to make a hard push to get --disable-bundled fully completed prior to 
a 1.0 release/MesosCon. 


----- Original Message -----

> From: "Alexander Gallego" <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 12:55:56 AM
> Subject: Difficulties building

> I'm having a hard time attempting to use and hoping for guidance.

> Issue:

> as installed by the mesosphere .deb pkg or built from source
> statically links all sources including:

> 1. Protobuf (2.5)
> 2. Zookeeper (3.4.5)

> This is a problem because when you start any int main(args, char**) it is
> suggested by the protobuf to initialize it for proper behavior. (check
> versions)

> Here is the snippet from source:

> build/include/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h
> // Place this macro in your main() function (or somewhere before you attempt
> // to use the protobuf library) to verify that the version you link against
> // matches the headers you compiled against. If a version mismatch is
> // detected, the process will abort.
> ::google::protobuf::internal::VerifyVersion( \
> __FILE__)

> To deinitialize the library you are suggested you call 'shutdown'

> build/include/google/protobuf/stubs/
> void ShutdownProtobufLibrary() {
> internal::InitShutdownFunctionsOnce();
> // ... stuff
> }

> Well the issue is that when linking w/ libmesos (the static fat lib 298MB as
> of rc3)
> my protobufs now double free :(

> I haven't yet been able to play w/ zookeeper and its internal state as it
> interacts w/
> The issue is fundamentally static state (ugh). But I have to use
> these libs (zookeeper, protobuf) for a project.

> The tentative solution suggested (mesos/docs/ ) is
> to use the compile time flags --with-zookeeper=/path/to/root/not/src/c
> *this is where i'd like guidance*

> I have not been able to compile libmesos as a lib without statically linking
> all the deps

> Note: I have read the mainling list post describing why the build system was
> originally
> set up this way (mainly that there are patches -- look at the .patch files)

> Things I've done to try and build without statically linking
> protobufs, boost, zookeeper:

> Here are the command line args passing to configure:

> // assume TLD=/absolute/path/to/libs

> ./configure --enable-shared=yes \
> --enable-bundled=no \
> --disable-python \
> --with-zookeeper="${TLD}/zookeeper" \
> --with-leveldb="${TLD}/leveldb"

> The first problem is that passing just -with-leveldb= to the dir w/ leveldb
> for example
> doesn't find the -lleveldb.

> I tried looking at the make file and the paths seem correct mainly:

> Lines 129 & 130 (I guess this might change from system to system)
> am__append_2 = $(LEVELDB)/libleveldb.a
> am__append_3 = $(ZOOKEEPER)/src/c/

> Notes about my desktop system:

> Using gcc 4.8
> $ lsb_release -a
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
> Release: 14.04
> Codename: trusty

> The questions i'm looking to get some pointers are:

> * Has anyone actually built a shared without included
> dependencies, if so, how.

> * Is there a pre-build binaries (lib mesos w/out deps) for linux x86_64
> systems avail for download
> perhaps the mesosphere guys have some solution here.

> * How have other people building native apps (c++) linked and used
> in their projects
> successfully? (either remove their versions of the lib and be forced to use
> or ...?)

> Kindly let me know if I can provide clarification.

> Thanks in advance for reading.
> -Alex

> Sincerely,
> Alexander Gallego

> ---*---
> ------*
> * * *

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