
what is the best way to upgrade Mesos cluster from 0.18 to 0.19? I've tried
to read all documentation before doing actual upgrade, but I still don't
understand a few things.

What should be the quorum size?

The --help says that "It is imperative to set this value to be a majority
of masters i.e., quorum > (number of masters)/2"

I have 4 Mesos masters, which would mean that quorum > 2 -> quorum=3, right?

The recover.cpp says that: "we allow a replica in EMPTY status to become
VOTING immediately if it finds ALL (i.e., 2 * quorum - 1) replicas are in
EMPTY status"
So, with quorum = 3 I would need 5 Mesos masters (that's just not clear
from the mesos-master --help).

quorum=1, mesos-masters=1
quorum=2, mesos-masters=3
quorum=3, mesos-masters=5
quorum=4, mesos-masters=7

Is is possible to have non-even number of Mesos masters? or is it just a
bad idea?

With 4 masters I got into a situation when:

master 1:
I0722 11:35:40.708562 12689 replica.cpp:638] Replica in VOTING status
received a broadcasted recover request

master 2:
I0722 11:36:37.593647  7754 replica.cpp:638] Replica in EMPTY status
received a broadcasted recover request

master 3:
I0722 11:35:14.102762 26701 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response
from a replica in STARTING status

master 4:
I0722 11:35:54.284169 32056 replica.cpp:638] Replica in STARTING status
received a broadcasted recover request
I0722 11:35:54.284425 32050 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response
from a replica in STARTING status
I0722 11:35:54.284788 32057 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response
from a replica in VOTING status
I0722 11:35:54.285127 32050 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response
from a replica in EMPTY status

And the election algorithm ends up in an endless loop. How can I recover
from this? Delete all replica logs from master disk? Start with quorum=1
and increment number of masters?


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