Your tests were successful so the master and slave should be working
correctly. What you saw with lynx is just some hidden text which you won't
see with a GUI web browser.

Jiang Yan Xu <> @xujyan <>

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Tim Chou <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I struggle with this problem for a while.
> I think I have started mesos successfully. There're two node in my
> cluster. I use one as master, the other as slave.
> At master, I use "
> --work_dir=/scratch/fzhou/git/mesos-0.20.0/workdir --ip=" to start
> the master.
> At slave, I use " --master=" to start it.
> The logs in master and slave printed on the screen are shown in the end.
> I also run the python-test provided in the getting started pages. It works
> and shows:
> However, each time I check the webpage at master:5050 via lynx. I always
> get the message:
> "No master is currently leading ...
>    [BUTTON] ? This master is not the leader, redirecting in {{redirect /
> 1000}} seconds ... go now"
> What's wrong with my mesos cluster?
> Looking forward to your replies.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> Python test results:
> "...
> accepting offer on ucs02 to start task 4
> Task 4 is in state 1
> Task 4 is in state 2
> All tasks done, waiting for final framework message
> Received message: 'data with a \x00 byte'
> All tasks done, and all messages received, exiting
> I1001 00:11:39.143679 13398 sched.cpp:747] Stopping framework
> '20141001-000931-218235146-5050-13321-0000'
> "
> Master:
> I1001 00:27:31.279867 13563 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:442] Added
> slave 20140930-135338-201457930-5050-13549-0 (ucs02) with cpus(*):8;
> mem(*):6845; disk(*):9642; ports(*):[31000-32000] (and cpus(*):8;
> mem(*):6845; disk(*):9642; ports(*):[31000-32000] available)
> I1001 00:27:31.287533 13569 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes)
> to leveldb took 7.758244ms
> I1001 00:27:31.287555 13569 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 8
> I1001 00:27:31.287817 13565 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned
> notice for position 8
> I1001 00:27:31.295857 13565 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (18 bytes)
> to leveldb took 8.020761ms
> I1001 00:27:31.295896 13565 leveldb.cpp:401] Deleting ~2 keys from leveldb
> took 18279ns
> I1001 00:27:31.295909 13565 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 8
> I1001 00:27:31.295920 13565 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE
> action at position 8
> Slave:
> I1001 00:32:31.668547 24652 status_update_manager.cpp:167] New master
> detected at master@
> I1001 00:32:31.668566 24651 slave.cpp:636] Detecting new master
> I1001 00:32:32.484762 24651 slave.cpp:816] Re-registered with master
> master@
> I1001 00:33:31.677762 24648 slave.cpp:3050] Current usage 43.95%. Max
> allowed age: 3.223409898738067days
> I1001 00:34:31.692034 24649 slave.cpp:3050] Current usage 43.95%. Max
> allowed age: 3.223409898738067days
> I1001 00:35:31.705721 24647 slave.cpp:3050] Current usage 43.95%. Max
> allowed age: 3.223409898738067days

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