Sorry for the documentation, I didn't update the docs as part of 0.20.1 which 
we added the network modes.

Please if you like submit a patch and I can help submit it.


> On Oct 1, 2014, at 2:25 PM, Tim St Clair <> wrote:
> inline below - 
> From: "Andy Grove" <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 2:47:54 PM
> Subject: Mesos 0.20.1 still using -net=host when launching Docker containers
> Hi,
> I'm making better progress but have run into another issue that I need help 
> tracking down.
> I've actually packaged up my code in a github repo now and will be writing up 
> a tutorial on this once I have everything working. 
> The contains instructions on running the framework.
> I can use this to start a single instance of the fedora/apache container but 
> when I try and run multiple instances the first one works but the other 
> containers start and then fail pretty quickly. 
> I tracked down the error information in the sandbox and the other containers 
> are failing with "cannot bind to port 80" so it looks like the containers are 
> being launched with host networking (-net=host). I thought this was one of 
> the issues that was fixed in 0.20.1. Do I have to do something to enable 
> containerized networking?
> It's still HOST by default, you'll need to specify network=BRIDGE in the 
> DockerInfo iirc. 
> Cheers,
> Tim
> Thanks,
> Andy.
> --
> Andy Grove
> VP Engineering
> CodeFutures Corporation
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Timothy St. Clair
> Red Hat Inc.

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