On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:05 PM, craig mcmillan <mccraigmccr...@gmail.com>

> we use the HAProxy configurator script bundled with marathon to bind
> applications to ports :
> https://github.com/mesosphere/marathon/blob/master/bin/
> haproxy-marathon-bridge
> HAProxy runs on every mesos slave and each marathon app is then available
> on every slave at the port(s) declared in the marathon API on localhost (or
> the docker container gateway host)
> Given the foregoing, can mesos-dns + mesos (possibly, mesosphere’s
>> marathon) + docker be configured to emulate Kubernetes’ style of service
>> discovery, i.e., no responsibility for DNS resolution in an application
>> consuming other services via TCP?
Craig, I now see at least advantage for mesos-dns in the context you
introduced in your comment: responsibilities for configuring a standard
docker container gateway host or handling the docker container gateway
host's resolution in client code can be replaced by mesos-dns. Maybe no big
deal, especially if you recommend an easy approach to making the docker
container gateway host visible.


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