On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Tom Arnfeld <t...@duedil.com> wrote:

> Q: Could you explain in a little detail why the decision was made to use a
> single HTTP endpoint rather than something like */event* (for the stream)
> and */call* for making calls? It seems a little strange / contrived to me
> that the difference between sending data to the master and receiving a
> stream of events would be based on the order of the calls and via the same
> endpoint. For example, would there not be a failure case here where the
> initial HTTP connection (*SUBSCRIBE*) fails (perhaps due to application
> error) and the driver continue making subsequent POST requests to send
> messages? In this situation, what would happen? Would the next http request
> that sent a message start getting streamed events in the response?

The initial design did include two endpoints (/call and /events) but we
decided to merge them into single endpoint for a few reasons:

--> With the two endpoints design, the SUBSCRIBE "call" had to go to the
"/events" endpoint whereas all the other calls had to go to the "/call"
endpoint. This is because all the other calls to "/call" elicited a "202
Accepted" and having SUBSCRIBE be the only call on "/call" that elicits a
"200 OK with framework id in the body" was weird. Also, it was unintuitive
when looking at the protobufs in scheduler.proto.

--> More importantly, having two different HTTP end points did nothing to
tell the client (scheduler) that it has to use two different connections.
Note that a scheduler could have very well used a single connection to talk
to two different http endpoints on the master, if it didn't know better.

--> Most HTTP clients (that I looked at) default to using a different
connection with each request anyway to avoid pipelining and head of line
blocking issues. So programming against a single endpoint should be

--> Note that irrespective of whether it is a single endpoint or two
endpoints, the client has to make sure that it first SUBSCRIBEs before it
makes any other calls; otherwise master will return "403 Forbidden". Only
the SUBSCRIBE call will get a streaming response.

--> Having a single endpoint lends itself to easily support HTTP/2 and
websockets in the future because they support multiplexing on a single


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