+1 no change  — keep master/slave

> On Jun 8, 2015, at 4:17 PM, Steven Schlansker <sschlans...@opentable.com> 
> wrote:
> On Jun 8, 2015, at 1:12 AM, Aaron Carey <aca...@ilm.com> wrote:
>> I've been following this thread with interest, it draws a lot of parallels 
>> with similar problems my wife faces as a teacher (and I imagine this happens 
>> in other government/public sector organisations, earlier in this thread 
>> James pointed me to an interested Wikipedia article which suggested this 
>> also happens occasionally in software: eg County of Los Angeles in 2003). 
>> Every few years teachers are told to change the words used to describe 
>> various things related to kids with minority backgrounds, from 
>> underprivileged families or with disabilities and so on, usually to stop 
>> other children from using them as derogatory terms or insults. It works for 
>> a while and then the pupils catch on and start using the new words and the 
>> cycle repeats.
>> I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that if you do decide to change 
>> the naming of master/slave because some naughty programmers in the community 
>> have been using the terms offensively, you better make damn sure you choose 
>> new terms which aren't likely to cause offence in the future and require the 
>> whole renaming process to run again. Which is why I'm voting for:
>> +1 Gru/Minion
> Which then is great right up until Universal Pictures sues the Apache 
> foundation to get "Gru" changed.  Plus "master/slave" is immediately obvious 
> to anyone working in software.  I had to search the web to even figure out 
> what "Gru" was, and then it was not even the first result... ( 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Intelligence_Directorate_%28Russia%29 )
>> There could also be another option: These terms are all being used to 
>> describe a master/slave relationship, the mesos master is in charge, it 
>> assigns work to the slaves and ensures that they carry it out. I'd suggest 
>> that whatever you call this pair, the relationship will always be one of 
>> domination and servitude. Perhaps what is really needed here is to get rid 
>> of the concept of a master altogether and re-architect mesos so all nodes in 
>> the cluster are equal and reach a consensus together about work distribution 
>> and so on?
> I propose all processes, regardless of function, should be "mesos-comrade" to 
> ensure none of them feel slighted :)
>> From: Nikolay Borodachev [nbo...@adobe.com]
>> Sent: 06 June 2015 04:34
>> To: user@mesos.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: 答复: [DISCUSS] Renaming Mesos Slave
>> +1 master/slave – no need to change
>> From: Sam Salisbury [mailto:samsalisb...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 8:31 AM
>> To: user@mesos.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: 答复: [DISCUSS] Renaming Mesos Slave
>> Master/Minion +1
>> On 5 June 2015 at 15:14, CCAAT <cc...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
>> "+1 master/slave, no change needed."  is the same as
>> "master/slave"    I.E. keep the nomenclature as it currently is
>> This means keep the name 'master' and keep the name 'slave'.
>> Are you applying fuzzy math or kalman filters to your summations below?
>> It looks to me, tallying things up, Master is kept as it is
>> and 'Slave' is kept as it is. There did not seem to be any consensus
>> on the new names if the pair names are updated. Or you can vote separately 
>> on each name? On an  real ballot, you enter the choices,
>> vote according to your needs, tally the results and publish them.
>> Applying a 'fuzzy filter' to what has occurred in this debate so far
>> is ridiculous.
>> Why not repost the question like this or something on a more fair
>> voting preference:
>> ---------------->
>> Please vote for your favourite Name-pair in Mesos, for what is currently
>> "Master-Slave". Note Master-Slave is the "no change" vote option.
>> [] Master-Slave
>> [] Mesos-Slave
>> [] Mesos-Minion
>> [] Master-Minion
>> [] Master-Follower
>> [] Mesos-Follower
>> [] Master-worker
>> [] Mesos-worker
>> [] etc etc
>> <-----------------
>> Tally the result and go from there.
>> James
>> On 06/05/2015 04:27 AM, Adam Bordelon wrote:
>> Wow, what a response! Allow me to attempt to summarize the sentiment so far.
>> Let's start with the implicit question,
>> _0. Should we rename Mesos Slave?_
>> +1 (Explicit approval) 12, including 7 from JIRA
>> +0.5 (Implicit approval, suggested alternate name) 18
>> -0.5 (Some disapproval, wouldn't block it) 5, including 1 from JIRA
>> -1 (Strong disapproval) 16
>> _1. What should we call the "Mesos Slave" node/host/machine?_
>> Worker: +10, -2
>> Agent: +6
>> Follower (+Leader): +4, -1
>> Minion: +2, -1
>> Drone (+Director/Queen): +2
>> Resource-Agent/Provider: +2
>> _2. What should we call the "mesos-slave" process (could be the same)?_
>> Pretty much everybody says that it should be the same as the node.
>> _3. Do we need to rename Mesos Master too?_
>> Most say No, except when slave's new name has a preferred pairing (e.g.
>> Follower/Leader)
>> _4. How will we phase in the new name and phase out the old name?_
>> To calm any fears, we would have to go through a full deprecation cycle,
>> introducing the new name in one release, while maintaining
>> symlinks/aliases/duplicate-endpoints for the old name. In a subsequent
>> release, we can remove the old name/endpoints. As we introduce the new
>> Mesos 1.0 HTTP API, we will already be introducing breaking API changes,
>> so this would be an ideal time to do a rename.
>> Whether or not we decide to officially change the name in the code/APIs,
>> some organizations are already using alternative terminologies in their
>> presentations/scripts. We could at least try to agree upon a recommended
>> alternative name for these purposes.
>> _5. How do we vote on this?_
>> First, FYI: https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html
>> It seems there are two potentially separate items to vote on:
>> Prop-A: Rename Mesos-Slave in the code/APIs
>> Qualifies as a "code modification", so a negative (binding) vote
>> constitutes a veto. Note that there are no -1s from the Mesos PMC yet.
>> After this week of discussion where the community is invited to share
>> their thoughts/opinions, we will call for an official VOTE from the PMC
>> members. The proposal will pass if there are at least three positive
>> votes and no negative ones.
>> Prop-B: Recommended Alternative Name for "Slave"
>> This can follow the common format of majority rule. We can gather
>> recommendations during this one week discussion period, and then vote on
>> the top 2-3 finalists.
>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Emilien Kenler <eken...@wizcorp.jp
>> <mailto:eken...@wizcorp.jp>> wrote:
>>    +1 for keeping master/slave.
>>    On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Panyungao (Wingoal)
>>    <panyun...@huawei.com <mailto:panyun...@huawei.com>> wrote:
>>        +1  master/slave. ____
>>        __ __
>>        These are only terminologies in software architecture.  They
>>        have different definitions from those of social or political
>>        view. ____
>>        __ __
>>        *发件人:*zhou weitao [mailto:zhouwtl...@gmail.com
>>        <mailto:zhouwtl...@gmail.com>]
>>        *发送时间:*2015年6月5日10:40
>>        *收件人:*user@mesos.apache.org <mailto:user@mesos.apache.org>
>>        *主题:*Re: [DISCUSS] Renaming Mesos Slave____
>>        __ __
>>        +1 master/slave, no change needed.____
>>        __ __
>>        2015-06-05 0:10 GMT+08:00 Ankur Chauhan <an...@malloc64.com
>>        <mailto:an...@malloc64.com>>:____
>>        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
>>        Hash: SHA1
>>        +1 master/slave
>>        James made some very good points and there is no technical
>>        reason for
>>        wasting time on this.
>>        On 04/06/2015 08:45, James Vanns wrote:
>>> +1 master/slave, no change needed.
>>> I couldn't agree more. This is a barmy request; master/slave is a
>>> well understood common convention (if it isn't well defined). This
>>> is making an issue out of something that isn't. Not at least as far
>>> as I see it - I don't have a habit of confusing software/systems
>>> nomenclature with moral high ground. This would just be a waste of
>>> time and not just for developers but for those adopting/who have
>>> adopted Mesos. If it were a brand new project at the early stages
>>> of just throwing ideas around, then fine - call master/slave
>>> whatever you want. Gru/Minion would get my vote if that were the
>>> case ;)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jim
>>> On 4 June 2015 at 16:23, Eren Güven <erenguv...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:erenguv...@gmail.com>
>>> <mailto:erenguv...@gmail.com <mailto:erenguv...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>> +1 master/slave, no change needed
>>> Such a change is a waste of time with no technical benefit. Also
>>> agree with Itamar, a breaking change like this will cause upgrade
>>> pains.
>>> Cheers
>>> On 4 June 2015 at 17:08, tommy xiao <xia...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:xia...@gmail.com>
>>> <mailto:xia...@gmail.com <mailto:xia...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>> +1 to James DeFelice.  I don't feel the name is confuse for any
>>> circumstance.
>>> 2015-06-04 22:06 GMT+08:00 James DeFelice <james.defel...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:james.defel...@gmail.com>
>>> <mailto:james.defel...@gmail.com <mailto:james.defel...@gmail.com>>>:
>>> -1 master/worker -1 master/agent -1 leader/follower
>>> +1 master/slave; no change needed
>>> There's no technical benefit **at all** to a terminology change at
>>> this point. If people want to change the names in their client
>>> presentations that's fine. Master/slave conveys specific meaning
>>> that is lost otherwise. In this context of this project (and
>>> elsewhere in Engineering-related fields) the terms are technical
>>> jargon and have no social implications within such context.
>>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Till Toenshoff <toensh...@me.com 
>>> <mailto:toensh...@me.com>
>>> <mailto:toensh...@me.com <mailto:toensh...@me.com>>> wrote:
>>>> 1. Mesos Worker [node/host/machine] 2. Mesos Worker [process] 3.
>>>> No, master/worker seems to address the issue with less changes.
>>>> 4. Begin using the new name ASAP, add a disambiguation to the
>>>> docs, and change old references over time. Fixing the "official"
>>>> name, even before changes are in place, would be a good first
>>>> step.
>>> +1
>>> -- James DeFelice585.241.9488 <tel:585.241.9488> <tel:585.241.9488
>>        <tel:585.241.9488>> (voice)
>>> 650.649.6071 <tel:650.649.6071> <tel:650.649.6071
>>        <tel:650.649.6071>> (fax)
>>> -- Deshi Xiao Twitter: xds2000 E-mail: xiaods(AT)gmail.com 
>>> <http://gmail.com>
>>> <http://gmail.com>
>>> -- -- Senior Code Pig Industrial Light & Magic
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>>        __ __
>>    --
>>    <http://www.wizcorp.jp/>    Emilien Kenler
>>    Server Engineer | Wizcorp Inc. <http://www.wizcorp.jp/>
>>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    + 81 (0)3-4550-1448|Website <http://www.wizcorp.jp/>|Twitter
>>    <https://twitter.com/Wizcorp>|Facebook
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