It's also worth noting the existence of the `mesos-resolve` binary, which can 
turn a canonical Mesos ZK string into the leading master location.

> On Aug 31, 2015, at 10:39, Marco Massenzio <> wrote:
> The easiest way is via accessing directly Zookeeper - as you don't need to 
> know a priori the list of Masters; if you do, however, hitting any one of 
> them will redirect (302) to the current Leader.
> If you would like to see an example of how to retrieve that info from ZK, I 
> have written about it here[0].
> Finally, we're planning to make all this available via the Mesos Commons[1] 
> library (currently, there is a PR[2] waiting to be be merged).
> [0] 
> [1]
> [2]
> Marco Massenzio
> Distributed Systems Engineer
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Philip Weaver <> 
> wrote:
> My framework knows the list of zookeeper hosts and the list of mesos master 
> hosts.
> I can think of a few ways for the framework to figure out which host is the 
> current master. What would be the best? Should I check in zookeeper directly? 
> Does the mesos library expose an interface to discover the master from 
> zookeeper or otherwise? Should I just try each possible master until one 
> responds?
> Apologies if this is already well documented, but I wasn't able to find it. 
> Thanks!
> - Philip

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