Hi Vino,

> On Aug 31, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Vinod Kone <vinodk...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Dario,
> Can you test with "curl --no-buffer" option? Looks like your stdout might be 
> line-buffered.

that did the trick, thanks!

> The reason we used record-io formatting is to be consistent in how we stream 
> protobuf and json encoded data.

How does simple chunked encoding prevent you from doing this?


> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 2:04 PM, <dario.re...@me.com 
> <mailto:dario.re...@me.com>> wrote:
> Anand,
> thanks for the explanation. I didn't think about the case when you have to 
> split a message, now it makes sense.
> But the case I observed with curl is still weird. Even when splitting a 
> message, it should still receive both parts almost at the same time. Do you 
> have any idea why it could behave like this?
> On 28.08.2015, at 21:31, Anand Mazumdar <an...@mesosphere.io 
> <mailto:an...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
>> Dario,
>> Most HTTP libraries/parsers ( including one that Mesos uses internally ) 
>> provide a way to specify a default size of each chunk. If a Mesos Event is 
>> too big , it would get split into smaller chunks and vice-versa.
>> -anand
>>> On Aug 28, 2015, at 11:51 AM, dario.re...@me.com 
>>> <mailto:dario.re...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Anand,
>>> in the example from my first mail you can see that curl prints the size of 
>>> a message and then waits for the next message and only when it receives 
>>> that message it will print the prior message plus the size of the next 
>>> message, but not the actual message.
>>> What's the benefit of encoding multiple messages in a single chunk? You 
>>> could simply create a single chunk per event.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dario
>>> On 28.08.2015, at 19:43, Anand Mazumdar <an...@mesosphere.io 
>>> <mailto:an...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
>>>> Dario,
>>>> Can you shed a bit more light on what you still find puzzling about the 
>>>> CURL behavior after my explanation ? 
>>>> PS: A single HTTP chunk can have 0 or more Mesos (Scheduler API) Events. 
>>>> So in your example, the first chunk had complete information about the 
>>>> first “event”, followed by partial information about the subsequent event 
>>>> from another chunk.
>>>> As for the benefit of using RecordIO format here, how else do you think we 
>>>> could have de-marcated two events in the response ?
>>>> -anand
>>>>> On Aug 28, 2015, at 10:01 AM, dario.re...@me.com 
>>>>> <mailto:dario.re...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> Anand,
>>>>> thanks for the explanation. I'm still a little puzzled why curl behaves 
>>>>> so strange. I will check how other client behave as soon as I have a 
>>>>> chance.
>>>>> Vinod,
>>>>> what exactly is the benefit of using recordio here? Doesn't it make the 
>>>>> content-type somewhat wrong? If I send 'Accept: application/json' and 
>>>>> receive 'Content-Type: application/json', I actually expect to receive 
>>>>> only json in the message.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dario
>>>>> On 28.08.2015, at 18:13, Vinod Kone <vinodk...@apache.org 
>>>>> <mailto:vinodk...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm happy to add the "\n" after the event (note it's different from 
>>>>>> chunk) if that makes CURL play nicer. I'm not sure about the "\r" part 
>>>>>> though? Is that a nice to have or does it have some other benefit?
>>>>>> The design doc is not set in the stone since this has not been released 
>>>>>> yet. So definitely want to do the right/easy thing.
>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Anand Mazumdar <an...@mesosphere.io 
>>>>>> <mailto:an...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dario,
>>>>>> Thanks for the detailed explanation and for trying out the new API. 
>>>>>> However, this is not a bug. The output from CURL is the encoding used by 
>>>>>> Mesos for the events stream. From the user doc 
>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/docs/scheduler_http_api.md>:
>>>>>> "Master encodes each Event in RecordIO format, i.e., string 
>>>>>> representation of length of the event in bytes followed by JSON or 
>>>>>> binary Protobuf  (possibly compressed) encoded event. Note that the 
>>>>>> value of length will never be ‘0’ and the size of the length will be the 
>>>>>> size of unsigned integer (i.e., 64 bits). Also, note that the RecordIO 
>>>>>> encoding should be decoded by the scheduler whereas the underlying HTTP 
>>>>>> chunked encoding is typically invisible at the application (scheduler) 
>>>>>> layer.“
>>>>>> If you run CURL with tracing enabled i.e. —trace, the output would be 
>>>>>> something similar to this:
>>>>>> <= Recv header, 2 bytes (0x2)
>>>>>> 0000: 0d 0a                                           ..
>>>>>> <= Recv data, 115 bytes (0x73)
>>>>>> 0000: 36 64 0d 0a 31 30 35 0a 7b 22 73 75 62 73 63 72 6d..105.{"subscr
>>>>>> 0010: 69 62 65 64 22 3a 7b 22 66 72 61 6d 65 77 6f 72 ibed":{"framewor
>>>>>> 0020: 6b 5f 69 64 22 3a 7b 22 76 61 6c 75 65 22 3a 22 k_id":{"value":"
>>>>>> 0030: 32 30 31 35 30 38 32 35 2d 31 30 33 30 31 38 2d 20150825-103018-
>>>>>> 0040: 33 38 36 33 38 37 31 34 39 38 2d 35 30 35 30 2d 3863871498-5050-
>>>>>> 0050: 31 31 38 35 2d 30 30 31 30 22 7d 7d 2c 22 74 79 1185-0010"}},"ty
>>>>>> 0060: 70 65 22 3a 22 53 55 42 53 43 52 49 42 45 44 22 pe":"SUBSCRIBED"
>>>>>> 0070: 7d 0d 0a                                        }..
>>>>>> <others
>>>>>> In the output above, the chunks are correctly delimited by ‘CRLF' (0d 
>>>>>> 0a) as per the HTTP RFC. As mentioned earlier, the output that you 
>>>>>> observe on stdout with CURL is of the Record-IO encoding used for the 
>>>>>> events stream ( and is not related to the RFC ):
>>>>>> event = event-size LF
>>>>>>              event-data
>>>>>> Looking forward to more bug reports as you try out the new API !
>>>>>> -anand
>>>>>>> On Aug 28, 2015, at 12:56 AM, Dario Rexin <dario.re...@me.com 
>>>>>>> <mailto:dario.re...@me.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> -1 (non-binding)
>>>>>>> I found a breaking bug in the new HTTP API. The messages do not conform 
>>>>>>> to the HTTP standard for chunked transfer encoding. in RFC 2616 Sec. 3 
>>>>>>> (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html 
>>>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html>) a chunk is 
>>>>>>> defined as:
>>>>>>> chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
>>>>>>>         chunk-data CRLF
>>>>>>> The HTTP API currently sends a chunk as:
>>>>>>> chunk = chunk-size LF
>>>>>>>         chunk-data
>>>>>>> A standard conform HTTP client like curl can’t correctly interpret the 
>>>>>>> data as a complete chunk. In curl it currently looks like this:
>>>>>>> 104
>>>>>>> {"subscribed":{"framework_id":{"value":"20150820-114552-16777343-5050-43704-0000"}},"type":"SUBSCRIBED"}20
>>>>>>> {"type":"HEARTBEAT”}666
>>>>>>> …. waiting …
>>>>>>> {"offers":{"offers":[{"agent_id":{"value":"20150820-114552-16777343-5050-43704-S0"},"framework_id":{"value":"20150820-114552-16777343-5050-43704-0000"},"hostname":"localhost","id":{"value":"20150820-114552-16777343-5050-43704-O0"},"resources":[{"name":"cpus","role":"*","scalar":{"value":8},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"mem","role":"*","scalar":{"value":15360},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"disk","role":"*","scalar":{"value":2965448},"type":"SCALAR"},{"name":"ports","ranges":{"range":[{"begin":31000,"end":32000}]},"role":"*","type":"RANGES"}],"url":{"address":{"hostname":"localhost","ip":"","port":5051},"path":"\/slave(1)","scheme":"http"}}]},"type":"OFFERS”}20
>>>>>>> … waiting …
>>>>>>> {"type":"HEARTBEAT”}20
>>>>>>> … waiting …
>>>>>>> It will receive a couple of messages after successful registration with 
>>>>>>> the master and the last thing printed is a number (in this case 666). 
>>>>>>> Then after some time it will print the first offers message followed by 
>>>>>>> the number 20. The explanation for this behavior is, that curl can’t 
>>>>>>> interpret the data it gets from Mesos as a complete chunk and waits for 
>>>>>>> the missing data. So it prints what it thinks is a chunk (a message 
>>>>>>> followed by the size of the next messsage) and keeps the rest of the 
>>>>>>> message until another message arrives and so on. The fix for this is to 
>>>>>>> terminate both lines, the message size and the message data, with CRLF.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Dario

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