Thanks, but is there no way without tweaking the source code of the
framework scheduler that I get the details of the resource offer? I don't
see anything in my logs.

All I can see is

mesos-master: Sending 5 offers to framework 20150815-.... (marathon) at

I can't find any other details in the logs..

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 8:36 PM, haosdent <> wrote:

> Hi, Haripriya.
> >1. I am trying to see the details of the resource offer made by the
> mesos master. I can see in the logs that there are 5 resource offers made
> but I am not sure where to get the details of the resource offers - the
> cpu, memory etc.
> You could print offer details in your framework Scheduler#resourceOffers
> methods. These offer message also could find from mesos log.
> >2. How can I list the number of slaves registered with the master and
> the details of the slaves on the command line( apart from seeing it in the
> UI)?
> We have some endpoints(state.json and state-summary) in master and slave
> to expose these informations, you could got this from
> ```
> curl -s "http://localhost:5050/master/state-summary"; |jq .slaves
> ```
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:47 AM, Haripriya Ayyalasomayajula <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm having trouble with some basic details:
>> 1. I am trying to see the details of the resource offer made by the mesos
>> master. I can see in the logs that there are 5 resource offers made but I
>> am not sure where to get the details of the resource offers - the cpu,
>> memory etc.
>> 2. How can I list the number of slaves registered with the master and the
>> details of the slaves on the command line( apart from seeing it in the UI)?
>> Thanks for the help.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Haripriya Ayyalasomayajula
> --
> Best Regards,
> Haosdent Huang

Haripriya Ayyalasomayajula

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