I remember 0.23.1 and 0.24.1 contains this backport, let me double check.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Jay Taylor <outtat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oops- Now I see you already said it's in master.  I'll look there :)
> Thanks again!
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 6:59 PM, Jay Taylor <j...@jaytaylor.com> wrote:
>> Great, thanks for the quick reply Tim!
>> Do you know if there is a branch I can checkout to test it out?
>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Timothy Chen <t...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
>>> Hi Jay,
>>> We just added health check support for docker tasks that's in master but
>>> not yet released. It will run docker exec with the command you provided as
>>> health checks.
>>> It should be in the next release.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Tim
>>> On Oct 6, 2015, at 6:49 PM, Jay Taylor <outtat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Does Mesos support health checks for docker image tasks?  Mesos seems to
>>> be ignoring the TaskInfo.HealthCheck field for me.
>>> Example TaskInfo JSON received back from Mesos:
>>> {
>>>>   "name":"hello-app.web.v3",
>>>>   "task_id":{
>>>>     "value":"hello-app_web-v3.fc05a1a5-1e06-4e61-9879-be0d97cd3eec"
>>>>   },
>>>>   "slave_id":{
>>>>     "value":"20150924-210922-1608624320-5050-1792-S1"
>>>>   },
>>>>   "resources":[
>>>>     {
>>>>       "name":"cpus",
>>>>       "type":0,
>>>>       "scalar":{
>>>>         "value":0.1
>>>>       }
>>>>     },
>>>>     {
>>>>       "name":"mem",
>>>>       "type":0,
>>>>       "scalar":{
>>>>         "value":256
>>>>       }
>>>>     },
>>>>     {
>>>>       "name":"ports",
>>>>       "type":1,
>>>>       "ranges":{
>>>>         "range":[
>>>>           {
>>>>             "begin":31002,
>>>>             "end":31002
>>>>           }
>>>>         ]
>>>>       }
>>>>     }
>>>>   ],
>>>>   "command":{
>>>>     "container":{
>>>>       "image":"docker-services1a:5000/test/app-81-1-hello-app-103"
>>>>     },
>>>>     "shell":false
>>>>   },
>>>>   "container":{
>>>>     "type":1,
>>>>     "docker":{
>>>>       "image":"docker-services1a:5000/gig1/app-81-1-hello-app-103",
>>>>       "network":2,
>>>>       "port_mappings":[
>>>>         {
>>>>           "host_port":31002,
>>>>           "container_port":8000,
>>>>           "protocol":"tcp"
>>>>         }
>>>>       ],
>>>>       "privileged":false,
>>>>       "parameters":[],
>>>>       "force_pull_image":false
>>>>     }
>>>>   },
>>>>   "health_check":{
>>>>     "delay_seconds":5,
>>>>     "interval_seconds":10,
>>>>     "timeout_seconds":10,
>>>>     "consecutive_failures":3,
>>>>     "grace_period_seconds":0,
>>>>     "command":{
>>>>       "shell":true,
>>>>       "value":"sleep 5",
>>>>       "user":"root"
>>>>     }
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>> I have searched all machines and containers to see if they ever run the
>>> command (in this case `sleep 5`), but have not found any indication that it
>>> is being executed.
>>> In the mesos src code the health-checks are invoked from
>>> src/launcher/executor.cpp CommandExecutorProcess::launchTask.  Does this
>>> mean that health-checks are only supported for custom executors and not for
>>> docker tasks?
>>> What I am trying to accomplish is to have the 0/non-zero exit-status of
>>> a health-check command translate to task health.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jay

Best Regards,
Haosdent Huang

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