How do mesos masters and slaves react to zookeeper cluster changes? When the 
masters and slaves start they are given a set of addresses to connect to 
zookeeper. But over time, one of those zookeepers fails, and is replaced by a 
new server at a new address. How should this be handled in the mesos servers?

I am guessing that mesos does not automatically detect and react to that 
change. But obviously we should do something to keep the mesos servers happy as 
well. What should be do?

The obvious thing is to stop the mesos servers, one at a time, and restart them 
with the new configuration. But it would be really nice to be able to do this 
dynamically without restarting the server. After all, coordinating a rolling 
restart is a fairly hard job.

Any suggestions or pointers?

Best regards,
Don Laidlaw

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