Hi Ajay,

I've no intention of getting into a contest about which product is best for
container networking.

Back in the 1960s there was a "war" between fans of the Beatles & Rolling
Stones: who's music was "better"? Mick Jagger famously then observed "You
can *prefer* them to us, or us to them". Had I started out with Calico, I
might today be its champion - but I didn't. I started with Weave and have
never regretted it.

That said, I'll make these points:

   1. Weave also supports dynamic assignment of IP@s, but I chose not to
   use it.
   2. Our architecture requires no manual intervention. I assign IP@s

That's my last word on this matter. 😀



On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Ajay Bhatnagar <abhatna...@blackberry.com>

> With Calico you only create the virtual subnets and ip assignments are
> managed dynamically by Calico w/o any manual intervention needed.
> Cheers
> Ajay
> *From:* Paul Bell [mailto:arach...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 26, 2015 9:05 AM
> *To:* user@mesos.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Anyone try Weave in Mesos env ?
> Hi Weitao,
> I came up with this architecture as a way of distributing our application
> across multiple nodes. Pre-Mesos, our application, delivered as a single
> VMware VM, was not easily scalable. By breaking out the several application
> components as Docker containers, we are now able (within limits imposed
> chiefly by the application itself) to distribute & run those containers
> across the several nodes in the Mesos cluster. Application containers that
> need to talk to each other are connected via Weave's "overlay" (veth)
> network.
> Not surprisingly, this architecture has some of the benefits that you'd
> expect from Mesos, chief among them being high-availability (more on this
> below), scalability, and hybrid Cloud deployment.
> The core unit of deployment is an Ubuntu image (14.04 LTS) that I've
> configured with the appropriate components:
> Zookeeper
> Mesos-master
> Mesos-slave
> Marathon
> Docker
> Weave
> SSH (including RSA keys)
> Our application
> This images is presently downloaded by a customer as a VMware .ova file.
> We typically ask the customer to convert the resulting VM to a so-called
> VMware template from which she can easily deploy multiple VMs as needed.
> Please note that although we've started with VMware as our virtualization
> platform, I've successfully run cluster nodes on both EC2 and Azure.
> I tend to describe the Ubuntu image as "polymorphic", i.e., it can be told
> to assume one of two roles, either a "master" role or a "slave" role. A
> master runs ZK, mesos-master, and Marathon. A slave runs mesos-slave,
> Docker, Weave, and the application.
> We presently offer 3 canned deployment options:
>    1. single-host, no HA
>    2. multi-host, no HA (1 master, 3 slaves)
>    3. multi-host, HA     (3 masters, 3 slaves)
> The single-host, no HA option exists chiefly to mimic the original
> pre-Mesos deployment. But it has the added virtue, thanks to Mesos, of
> allowing us to dynamically "grow" from a single-host to multiple hosts.
> The multi-host, no HA option is presently geared toward a sharded MongoDB
> backend where each slave runs a mongod container that is a single partition
> (shard) of the larger database. This deployment option also lends itself
> very nicely to adding a new slave node at the cluster level, and a new
> mongod container at the application level - all without any downtime
> whatsoever.
> The multi-host, HA option offers the probably familiar *cluster-level*
> high availability. I stress "cluster-level" because I think we have to
> distinguish between HA at that level & HA at the application level. The
> former is realized by the 3 master hosts, i.e., you can lose a master and
> new one will self-elect thereby keeping the cluster up & running. But, to
> my mind, at least, application level HA requires some co-operation on the
> part of the application itself (e.g., checkpoint/restart). That said, it
> *is* almost magical to watch Mesos re-launch an application container
> that has crashed. But whether or not that re-launch results in coherent
> application behavior is another matter.
> An important home-grown component here is a Java program that automates
> these functions:
> create cluster - configures a host for a given role and starts Mesos
> services. This is done via SSH
> start application - distributes application containers across slave hosts.
> This is done by talking to the Marathon REST API
> stop application - again, via the Marathon REST API
> stop cluster - stops Mesos services. Again, via SSH
> destroy cluster - deconfigures the host (after which it has no defined
> role); again, SSH
> As I write, I see Ajay's e-mail arrive about Calico. I am aware of this
> project and it seems quite solid. But I've never understood the need to
> "worry about networking containers in multihost setup". Weave runs as a
> Docker container and It Just Works. I've "woven" together slaves nodes in a
> cluster that spanned 3 different datacenters, one of them in EC2, without
> any difficulty. Yes, I do have to assign Weave IP addresses to the several
> containers, but this is hardly onerous. In fact, I've found it "liberating"
> to select such addresses from a CIDR/8 address space, assigning them to
> containers based on the container's purpose (e.g., MongoDB shard containers
> might live at 10.4.0.X, etc.). Ultimately, this assignment boils down to
> setting an environment variable that Marathon (or the mesos-slave executor)
> will use when creating the container via "docker run".
> There is a whole lot more that I could say about the internals of this
> architecture. But, if you're still interested, I'll await further questions
> from you.
> HTH.
> Cordially,
> Paul
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Paul <arach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gladly, Weitao. It'd be my pleasure.
> But give me a few hours to find some free time.
> I am today tasked with cooking a Thanksgiving turkey.
> But I will try to find the time before noon today (I'm on the right coast
> in the USA).
> -Paul
> > On Nov 25, 2015, at 11:26 PM, Weitao <zhouwtl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Paul. Can your share the total experience about the arch with us. I
> am trying to do the similar thing
> >
> >
> >> 在 2015年11月26日,09:47,Paul <arach...@gmail.com> 写道:
> >>
> >> experience

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