
give me a chance to answer that before you fall into frustration : ).
Also, you can directly write to framework developers
( and they either confirm or bust my
guess. Or maybe one of the authors — Frank — will chime in in this

Marathon has no idea about application logic, hence a "scale"
operation just starts more application instances. But sometimes you
may want to do extra job (track instances, report ip:port of a new
instance to existing instances, and so on). That's when a dedicated
framework makes sense. Each framework has a scheduler that is able to
track each instance and do all aforementioned actions.

How this maps to your question? AFAIK, all Elasticsearch nodes should
see each other, hence once a new node is started, it should be somehow
advertised to other nodes. You can do it by wrapping Elasticsearch
command in a shell script and maintain some sort of an out-of-band
registry, take a look at one of the first efforts [1] to run
Elasticsearch on Mesos to get an impression how it may look like. But
you can use a dedicated framework instead : ).


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Eric LEMOINE <> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 10:05 AM, craig w <> wrote:
>> We'd like to use the framework once some more features are available (see
>> the road map).
>> Currently we deploy ES in docker using marathon.
> Thank you all for your responses. I get that the situation is not as
> clear as I expected :)

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