Hi Vinod,

Thanks for the reply. I think I understand what you mean. Could you clarify
these follow-up questions?

1. So if I did write to the sandbox, mesos would know and send the correct
2. And if so, and this might be hacky, if i bind mounted my docker folder
(where all cached images are stored) into a sandbox directory, do you think
Mesos will register the correct state of the disk in the offer? (Suppose I
were to spawn a possibly persistent job that requests 0 cores, 0 memory and
0gb and use it's sandbox)

Thanks again,

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Vinod Kone <vinodk...@apache.org> wrote:

> If your job is writing stuff outside the sandbox it is up to your
> framework to do that resource accounting. It is really tricky for Mesos to
> do that. For example, the second job might be launched even before the
> first one finishes.
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Arkal Arjun Rao <aa...@ucsc.edu> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm new to Mesos and I'm working on a  framework that strongly considers
>> the disk value in an offer before making a decision. My jobs don't run in
>> the agent's sandbox and may use docker to pull images from my dockerhub and
>> run containers on input data downloaded from S3.
>> My jobs clean up after themselves but do not delete the cached docker
>> images after they complete so a later job can use them directly without the
>> delay of downloading the image again. I cannot predict how much a job will
>> leave behind.
>> Leaving behind files after the job means that the disk space available
>> for the next job is less than the disk value the current job had when it
>> started. However the offer made to the master does not appear to update the
>> disk parameter before making the new offer. Is there any way to get the
>> executor driver to update the value passed in the disk field of resource
>> offers?
>> Here's a Stack overflow with more details
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35354841/setup-mesos-to-provide-up-to-date-disk-in-offers
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Arjun Arkal Rao
>> PhD Candidate,
>> Haussler Lab,
>> UC Santa Cruz,
>> USA

Arjun Arkal Rao

PhD Student,
Haussler Lab,
UC Santa Cruz,


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