Yes, all port resources must be ranges for now, e.g. 31000-35000.
There’s already JIRA (MESOS-4627: Improve Ranges parsing to handle single 
values) on that, patches are pending on review :).
----Da (Klaus), Ma (马达) | PMP® | Advisory Software Engineer Platform OpenSource 
Technology, STG, IBM GCG +86-10-8245 4084 | |

Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:51:44 +0100
Subject: Port Resource Offers

I am running mesos slaves with the modified port announcement.
$ cat /etc/mesos-slave/resourcesports(*):[6379, 9200, 9300, 27017, 31000-35000]
I can that this is being picked up when starting the mesos slaves in ps output: 
--resources=ports(*):[6379, 9200, 9300, 27017, 31000-35000]
However, when i hit the /state.json endpoint of mesos-master, I am seeing this:

I can see the tasks are being assigned ports in the range of 9300-27017. There 
are some of these ports which are already used by other applications running on 
each mesos slaves but are being announced. I am not sure if this will cause 
some issue. I am assuming that it will always check if the port is already 
binded by some other process before assigning port to a task.
By going through the code and test cases, it looks like it always expect port 
resource in ranges.

So I guess, I should always define ports in ranges rather than individual port.
It will be helpful if someone can confirm if it is the expected behaviour and 
my configuration is wrong.
Pradeep Chhetri

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