>"Active tasks" with status "Failed"
A bit wired here. According to my test, it should exists in "Completed
Tasks". If possible, could you show you /master/state endpoint result. I
think the frameworks node in state response would be helpful to analyze the

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Alberto del Barrio <
alberto.delbarrio.albe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> after a maintenance carried on in a mesos cluster (0.25) using marathon
> (0.10) as a only scheduler , I've finished with the double of tasks for
> each application. But marathon was recognizing only half of them.
> For getting rid of this orphaned tasks, I've did a "kill PID" of them, so
> they free up their resources.
> My problem now is that these tasks I've killed, are still appearing in the
> mesos UI under "Active tasks" with status "Failed". This is not affecting
> my system, but I would like to clean them up.
> Googling I can't find anything.
> Can someone point me to a solution for cleaning those tasks?
> Cheers,
> Alberto.

Best Regards,
Haosdent Huang

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