In cluster mode, you need to first run *MesosClusterDispatcher* application
on marathon (Read more about that here:

In both client and cluster mode, you need to specify --master flag while
submitting job, the only difference is that you will specifying the value
as the URL of dispatcher in cluster mode
(mesos://<dispatcher_address>:<dispatcher_port>) while in client mode, you
will be specifying URL of mesos-master

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 3:24 PM, June Taylor <> wrote:

> I'm interested in what the "best practice" is for running pyspark jobs
> against a mesos cluster.
> Right now, we're simply passing the --master mesos://host:5050 flag, which
> appears to register a framework properly.
> However, I was told this isn't "cluster mode" - and I'm a bit confused.
> What is the recommended method of doing this?
> Thanks,
> June Taylor
> System Administrator, Minnesota Population Center
> University of Minnesota

Pradeep Chhetri

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