ABRT generally means that something crittical happened and you may not found
that from stdout/stderr, so as journalctl.

You may try to run ExecXXX in its ervice file from console manually to see what
will happen and get some hints.


On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 08:57:11AM -0700, Avinash Sridharan wrote:
> Looks like its the Agent that is getting killed :
>  Main PID: 8982 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
> As Hoasodent mentioned, can you get the output of 
> "journalctl -u dcos-mesos-slave -b | tail -100"
> You might be able to spot why the Agent exited.
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:42 AM, haosdent <haosd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi, may we have your `journalctl` result in mesos agent? Or how about your
>     lauch mesos agent directly? 
>     On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 7:27 PM, 陈强 <chenqi...@qiyi.com> wrote:
>         yes, I checked they configured use the same mesos-dns in /etc/
>         resolv.conf and the mesos-dns is also running correctly. maybe it is
>         not the root cause ?
>         On 2016年05月16日 15:57, 陈强 wrote:
>             Hi Stephen Gran,
>             Yes, mesos-dns is running..
>             I use DC/OS GUI installer, where should I configure or check to 
> use
>             the mesos-dns for slaves? thx.
>             [root@chenqiang-worker-dev007-shgq ~]# systemctl status
>             dcos-mesos-dns -l
>             ● dcos-mesos-dns.service - Mesos DNS: DNS based Service Discovery
>                Loaded: loaded (/opt/mesosphere/packages/
>             mesos-dns--ee4c3c37c9be64426152a17a9aa094187357ae3b/
>             dcos.target.wants_master/dcos-mesos-dns.service; enabled; vendor
>             preset: disabled)
>                Active: active (running) since 一 2016-05-16 11:07:44 CST; 4h
>             45min ago
>              Main PID: 14718 (mesos-dns)
>                Memory: 7.0M
>                CGroup: /system.slice/dcos-mesos-dns.service
>                        └─14718 /opt/mesosphere/bin/mesos-dns --config=/opt/
>             mesosphere/etc/mesos-dns.json -logtostderr=true
>             5月 16 11:07:44 chenqiang-worker-dev007-XXX systemd[1]: Started
>             Mesos DNS: DNS based Service Discovery.
>             5月 16 11:07:44 chenqiang-worker-dev007-XXX systemd[1]: Starting
>             Mesos DNS: DNS based Service Discovery...
>             5月 16 11:07:44 chenqiang-worker-dev007-XXX mesos-dns[14718]: 2016/
>             05/16 11:07:44 Connected to
>             5月 16 11:07:44 chenqiang-worker-dev007-XXX mesos-dns[14718]: 2016/
>             05/16 11:07:44 Authenticated: id=95903287146905603, timeout=40000
>             On 2016年05月16日 15:47, Stephen Gran wrote:
>                 Hi,
>                 The ExecStartPre failed - it looks like dns isn't working for
>                 some
>                 reason.  Can you check if mesos-dns is running and that the
>                 slaves are
>                 configured to use it?
>                 Cheers,
>                 On 16/05/16 08:36, 陈强 wrote:
>                     It seems the mesos-slave service doesn't start...
>                     [一 5月 16 15:30:42 root@chenqiang-worker-dev004-XXX ~]#
>                     systemctl
>                     status dcos-mesos-slave.service -l
>                     ● dcos-mesos-slave.service - Mesos Agent: DC/OS Mesos 
> Agent
>                     Service
>                           Loaded: loaded
>                     (/opt/mesosphere/packages/
>                     mesos--0335ca0d3700ea88ad8b808f3b1b84d747ed07f0/
>                     dcos.target.wants_slave/dcos-mesos-slave.service;
>                     enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
>                           Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: signal)
>                     since 一
>                     2016-05-16 15:30:42 CST; 1s ago
>                          Process: 8982
>                     ExecStart=/opt/mesosphere/packages/
>                     mesos--0335ca0d3700ea88ad8b808f3b1b84d747ed07f0/bin/
>                     mesos-slave
>                     (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
>                          Process: 8978 ExecStartPre=/bin/ping -c1 leader.mesos
>                     (code=exited,
>                     status=0/SUCCESS)
>                          Process: 8976 ExecStartPre=/bin/ping -c1 
> ready.spartan
>                     (code=exited,
>                     status=0/SUCCESS)
>                         Main PID: 8982 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
>                     5月 16 15:30:42 chenqiang-worker-dev004-XXX systemd[1]:
>                     Unit
>                     dcos-mesos-slave.service entered failed state.
>                     5月 16 15:30:42 chenqiang-worker-dev004-XXX systemd[1]:
>                     dcos-mesos-slave.service failed.
>                     but can't find the root cause that make mesos-slave ABRT.
>                     On 2016年05月16日 14:38, 陈强 wrote:
>                         Hi all,
>                         I installed a DC/OS cluster, but found that no agents
>                         were shown/found
>                         in cluster after finishing GUI installer.
>                         Other components are OK. Does someone met the issue?
>                         thanks.
>                         Best Regards.
>                         Chen, Qiang
>         --
>         陈强
>         技术产品中心计算云弹性计算
>         手机:+86 15900964316
>         分机:8377
>     --
>     Best Regards,
>     Haosdent Huang
> --
> Avinash Sridharan, Mesosphere
> +1 (323) 702 5245
> SECURITY NOTE: file ~/.netrc must not be accessible by others

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