Hello all!
We had some great discussion yesterday during the Mesos community sync, you
can find the notes below.


Mesos Developer Community Sync


May 19, 2016

Time: 3pm PST

Location: Mesosphere HQ


Mesosphere: Greg M., Gilbert, Artem, Vinod, MPark, Joris, Joseph, Anand,

Apple: James, Yan, Anindya

Intel: Connor, Nik

       Shopee: Haosdent

José Vanz



   How to improve the review process? [Vinod]

      Survey of the group: are there issues with the current review process?

         Feeling is that without direct contact with a committer, it can be
         hard to get feedback on tickets/patches

         Have been concerns about the lack of transparency with respect to
         priorities. Roadmap has been created to help address this:

      Picking up small patches from outside contributors is manageable, but
      whole features which sit outside the roadmap are difficult

      Currently ~650 outstanding review requests

         Most of these come from a small number of contributors

         Encouraging contributors to discard RRs could solve this

         ReviewBoard grooming will be done after MesosCon

      Could solicit direct feedback from folks who have expressed concern

      How do other projects manage a high volume of incoming patches?

         Kubernetes has labels for the size of PRs: small, med., large, etc.

         Other types of labels: “style”, “architectural”, “bug”, “feature”,

      To improve efficiency and ship more patches, we can get better at
      identifying low-hanging fruit that is quickly committed

      Small patches may not strictly need a shepherd before the RR is posted

      The difficulty in some review processes may be due to issues in the
      code, rather than the review process itself

      Could have a more hierarchical review process, with a “chain of
      trust” fanning out to larger numbers of people

      More automation may be able to catch mistakes before the review stage

      “Newbie” label in JIRA is meant to help new contributors find tasks -
      however, this currently needs grooming in JIRA

      Having an actively-curated list of tickets which active committers
      are interested in for newbies could help

   Mesos website work group [Vinod]

      Solicited website assistance on the mailing list, received good

      JIRA tickets have been tagged with the “project website” component

   Update from performance isolation working group [Niklas/Connor]

   Roadmap <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MESOS/Roadmap>!

      Regarding MESOS-3094: if a contributor makes a contribution that
      needs a Windows implementation but they can’t implement it themselves,
      reach out to Joris/Alex Clemmer and they can assist in the implementation
      or find folks who can.

      Should send out an email to the dev/user lists about cutting the v1 RC

   MesosCon Hackathon [Greg]

      Should we plan any possible projects for the hackathon? Nope, calls
      will go out during the conference for folks to organize.

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