Try putting the IP you're binding to (the actual IP on the master) in
/etc/mesos-*/ip , and the externally accessible IP in

On 12 June 2016 at 00:57, Stefano Bianchi <> wrote:
> ok i guess i figured out.
> The reason for which i put floating IP on hostname and ip files is written
> here:
> It says:
> If you're unable to resolve the hostname of the machine directly (e.g., if
> on a different network or using a VPN), set /etc/mesos-slave/hostname to a
> value that you can resolve, for example, an externally accessible IP address
> or DNS hostname. This will ensure all links from the Mesos console work
> correctly.
> The problem, i guess, is that the set of floating iPs is not
> externally accessible.
> In my other deployment i have set the floating IPs in these files and all is
> perfectly working, but in that case i have used externally reachable IPs.
> 2016-06-11 22:51 GMT+02:00 Erik Weathers <>:
>> It depends on your setup.  I would probably not set the hostname and
>> instead set the "--no-hostname_lookup" flag.  I'm not sure how you do that
>> with the file-based configuration style you are using.
>> % mesos-master --help
>> ...
>>   --hostname=VALUE              The hostname the master should advertise
>> in ZooKeeper.
>>                                                 If left unset, the
>> hostname is resolved from the IP address
>>                                                 that the slave binds to;
>> unless the user explicitly prevents
>>                                                 that, using
>> `--no-hostname_lookup`, in which case the IP itself
>>                                                 is used.
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Stefano Bianchi <>
>> wrote:
>>> So Erik do you suggest to use the 192.* IP in both
>>> /etc/mesos-master/hostname nad /etc/mesos-master/ip right?
>>> Il 11/giu/2016 22:15, "Erik Weathers" <> ha scritto:
>>>> Yeah, so there is no 10.x address on the box.  Thus you cannot bind
>>>> Mesos to listen to that address.   You need to use one of the 192.* IPs for
>>>> Mesos to bind to.  I'm not sure why you say you need to use the 10.x
>>>> addresses for the UI, that sounds like a problem you should tackle *after*
>>>> getting Mesos up.
>>>> - Erik
>>>> P.S., when using gmail in chrome, you can avoid those extraneous
>>>> newlines when you paste by holding "Shift" along with the Command-V (at
>>>> least on Mac OS X!).
>>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Stefano Bianchi <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ifconfig -a
>>>>> eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1454
>>>>>         inet  netmask  broadcast
>>>>>         inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe1c:a3bf  prefixlen 64  scopeid
>>>>> 0x20<link>
>>>>>         ether fa:16:3e:1c:a3:bf  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>>>>>         RX packets 61258  bytes 4686426 (4.4 MiB)
>>>>>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>>>>>         TX packets 40537  bytes 3603100 (3.4 MiB)
>>>>>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
>>>>> lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
>>>>>         inet  netmask
>>>>>         inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
>>>>>         loop  txqueuelen 0  (Local Loopback)
>>>>>         RX packets 28468  bytes 1672684 (1.5 MiB)
>>>>>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>>>>>         TX packets 28468  bytes 1672684 (1.5 MiB)
>>>>>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
>>>>> ip addr:1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state
>>>>>     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
>>>>>     inet scope host lo
>>>>>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>>>>>     inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>>>>>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>>>>> 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1454 qdisc pfifo_fast
>>>>> state UP qlen 1000
>>>>>     link/ether fa:16:3e:1c:a3:bf brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>>>>     inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
>>>>>        valid_lft 77537sec preferred_lft 77537sec
>>>>>     inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe1c:a3bf/64 scope link
>>>>>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>>>>> 2016-06-11 20:05 GMT+02:00 haosdent <>:
>>>>>> As @Erik said, what is your `ifconfig` or `ip addr` command output?
>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 2:00 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> the result of your command give this:
>>>>>>> [root@master ~]# nc -l -p 5050
>>>>>>> Ncat: bind to Cannot assign requested address.
>>>>>>> QUITTING.
>>>>>>> I guess that the private network is configured in a particular way.
>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:50 GMT+02:00 haosdent <>:
>>>>>>>> Hi, @Stefano The log you posted looks incomplete? What is the
>>>>>>>> content behind
>>>>>>>> F0611 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize:
>>>>>>>> (there should be some detail error after this)
>>>>>>>> In additional, could you try use netcat to verify if you could bind
>>>>>>>> 5050 in your server. You could test this by execute below command
>>>>>>>> nc -l -p 5050
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:42 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> i guess something is changing in the log, i opened the ports but
>>>>>>>>> still doesn not work, however this is the new log:
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (sy
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to ST
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to ST
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (syste
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDER
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initiali
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDER
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initiali
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initializ
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initializ
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system b
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize:
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize:
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: F
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: F
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus na
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Fail
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Fail
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus na
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Fail
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Fail
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed t
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed t
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :1
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :1.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :1.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :1.8
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to b
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to b
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name :1.8
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to b
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to b
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name 
>>>>>>>>> :1.8,
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name 
>>>>>>>>> :1.8,
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bi
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name 
>>>>>>>>> :1.8,
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bin
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bin
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal polkitd[1365]: Unregistered
>>>>>>>>> Authentication Agent for unix-process:1351:12259 (system bus name 
>>>>>>>>> :1.8, o
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:39.581802  1373 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bind
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal mesos-master[1388]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:39 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service termina la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- La fase di avvio è done.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting Mesos
>>>>>>>>> Master...
>>>>>>>>> -- Subject: L'unità mesos-master.service inizia la fase di avvio
>>>>>>>>> -- Defined-By: systemd
>>>>>>>>> -- Support:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> -- L'unità mesos-master.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: WARNING:
>>>>>>>>> Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: F0611
>>>>>>>>> 17:40:59.823978  1399 process.cpp:892] Failed to initialize: Failed 
>>>>>>>>> to bind
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal mesos-master[1414]: *** Check
>>>>>>>>> failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service:
>>>>>>>>> main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>> giu 11 17:40:59 master.novalocal systemd[1]: mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>> lines 1230-1261/1261 (END)
>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:37 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi <>:
>>>>>>>>>> Wait, i saw now that on openstack security group pots 5050 8080
>>>>>>>>>> and 4400 are not open...
>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:35 GMT+02:00 Erik Weathers <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not 100% sure what is implied by "public" and "floating" IPs
>>>>>>>>>>> here.  Are the IPs of 10.20.250.x the *actual* IPs on the hosts?  
>>>>>>>>>>> i.e., if
>>>>>>>>>>> you run
>>>>>>>>>>> "ifconfig -a" or "ip a" do those IPs appear?   If not then you
>>>>>>>>>>> cannot bind to them on the host.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Erik
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 10:32 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> the problem is presented also on 0.27.2 i tried to perform a yum
>>>>>>>>>>>> downgrade mesos-0.27.2 and i still have this problem. i don't 
>>>>>>>>>>>> understand
>>>>>>>>>>>> why. i followed the common procedure as for my previous work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:30 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The floating IPs are correclty set both on /etc/mesos-master/ip
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and /etc/mesos-master/hostname
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:27 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i checked now, and i have correctly set,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, according to the masters floating IPs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:18 GMT+02:00 haosdent <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, according to the log. It looks like your set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/mesos-master/ip to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:15 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i dont' have floating IP, i have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 19:13 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry i have made a mistakee in my previous message,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On each master: nano /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the last three lines are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.1=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.2=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.3=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these are the correct IPs i have set in this file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-11 15:36 GMT+02:00 haosdent <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If used by any other processes?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:18 PM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have set:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On master1:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sudo -u zookeeper zookeeper-server-initialize --myid=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Master2:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sudo -u zookeeper zookeeper-server-initialize --myid=2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Master3:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sudo -u zookeeper zookeeper-server-initialize --myid=3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i checked /var/lib/zookeeper/myid and i get correctly 1,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 and 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) On each master: nano /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the last three lines are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.1=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.2=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.3=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where 2888 and 3888 are both open on openstack security
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3)nano /etc/mesos/zk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zk://,,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) Set the quorum to 2with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nano /etc/mesos-master/quorum  and i have written 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5)then in /etc/mesos-master/ i created hostname and ip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files, within which i have written the public IPs of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> masters such that i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can use sandbox on web ui.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same in /etc/marathon/conf/ just creating hostname
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let me say that the openstack cluster on which i'm now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working on isnot on the public internet but under a private 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> network of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> university lab.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-10 22:21 GMT+02:00 Joseph Wu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks like the master can't bind to the IP you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified (or, if you did not specify, the master resolved 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer's hostname).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Either specify the --ip master flag or investigate the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem with your network.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is what i get with your command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 10 18:02:23 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 10 18:02:23 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [root@master ~]# journalctl -u mesos-master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Logs begin at gio 2016-06-09 23:24:02 UTC, end at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ven 2016-06-10 18:02:23 UTC. --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:51 master.novalocal mesos-master[808]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STDERR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:51 master.novalocal mesos-master[808]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F0609 23:24:51.739418   718 process.cpp:892] Failed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:52 master.novalocal mesos-master[808]: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:52 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service: main process exited, code=killed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:52 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:24:52 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:14 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service holdoff time over, scheduling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:14 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:14 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1091]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STDERR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1091]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F0609 23:25:15.071262  1075 process.cpp:892] Failed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1091]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** Check failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service: main process exited, code=killed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service holdoff time over, scheduling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal mesos-master[1156]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STDERR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal mesos-master[1156]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F0609 23:25:35.288352  1141 process.cpp:892] Failed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal mesos-master[1156]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** Check failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service: main process exited, code=killed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service holdoff time over, scheduling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal mesos-master[1241]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STDERR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal mesos-master[1241]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F0609 23:25:55.562469  1225 process.cpp:892] Failed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal mesos-master[1241]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** Check failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service: main process exited, code=killed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:25:55 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service holdoff time over, scheduling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1300]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STDERR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1300]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F0609 23:26:15.898391  1285 process.cpp:892] Failed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal mesos-master[1300]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** Check failure stack trace: ***
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service: main process exited, code=killed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status=6/ABRT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service entered failed state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:15 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service holdoff time over, scheduling 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giu 09 23:26:35 master.novalocal systemd[1]: Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos Master...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-10 18:51 GMT+02:00 Joseph Wu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The log directory is based on your configuration.  See
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the master config section here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you've set the --log_dir flag, you'll find your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logs there.  Otherwise, the logs will be in stderr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you launched the master via a systemd service, use:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> journalctl -u mesos-master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually i don't have the access to the Mesos UI so i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to find the log within CentOS VM.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please can you tell me where can i find the master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log file ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-10 17:50 GMT+02:00 Jie Yu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can u create a jira ticket and paste the master log?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for reporting!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 10, 2016, at 8:44 AM, Stefano Bianchi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i'm re installing my platform on another openstack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenant.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I downloaded all the needed softwares,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zookeeper-server, mesos 0.28.2 marathon 1.1.1 and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chronos 2.4.0.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i have configured all correctly the i started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zookeeper-server and it works fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when i type: service mesos-master start
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems to start but if i check the status with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service mesos-master status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i obtain the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [root@master ~]# service mesos-master status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mesos-master.service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ● mesos-master.service - Mesos Master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Loaded: loaded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mesos-master.service; 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; vendor preset:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disabled)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signal) since ven 2016-06-10 15:39:36 UTC; 3s ago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Process: 12163
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExecStart=/usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper master 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Main PID: 12163 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any one knows why i have this issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haosdent Huang
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haosdent Huang
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Haosdent Huang
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Haosdent Huang

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