Might be related to MESOS-2043

Can you paste master and agent logs?

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Douglas Nelson <itsbeh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have SSL enabled for mesos and for the most part everything seems to be
> working fine. But when I stop a slave node for long enough that it shows up
> with status LOST then I start up the slave again, registration with the
> master fails:
> I0718 15:51:45.646260 16791 master.cpp:5495] Authenticating slave(1)@
> I0718 15:51:45.646960 16791 authenticator.cpp:98] Creating new server SASL
> connection
> I0718 15:51:50.648329 16790 master.cpp:5481] Queuing up authentication
> request from slave(1)@ because authentication is still in
> progress
> W0718 15:51:50.648696 16790 master.cpp:5522] Failed to authenticate
> slave(1)@ Authentication discarded
> It cycles through this over and over again until I restart the master
> node. Is restarting the master the only way to handle re-authentication? I
> expected it to be more automatic. Thanks!

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