
One of our customers has twice encountered a problem wherein Mesos &
Marathon appear to lose track of the application containers that they

Platform & version info:

Ubuntu 14.04 (running under VMware)
Mesos (master & agent): 0.23.0
ZK: 3.4.5--1
Marathon: 0.10.0

The phenomena:

When I log into either the Mesos or Marathon UIs I see no evidence of *any*
tasks, active or completed. Yet, in the Linux shell, a "docker ps" command
shows the containers up & running.

I've seen some confusing appearances before, but never this. For example,
I've seen what might be described as the *reverse* of the above phenomena.
I mean the case where a customer powers cycles the VM. In such a case you
typically see in Marathon's UI the (mere) appearance of the containers up &
running, but a "docker ps" command shows no containers running. As folks on
this list have explained to me, this is the result of "stale state" and
after 10 minutes (by default), Mesos figures out that the supposedly active
tasks aren't there and restarts them.

But that's not the case here. I am hard-pressed to understand what
conditions/causes might lead to Mesos & Marathon becoming unaware of
containers that they started.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me understand what's going
on here (so would our customer!).



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