Hi, @Frank Thanks for your information

> I see messages 'Telling agent (...) to kill task (...)'. Why does this
This should because your framework send a `KillTaskMessage` or
`scheduler::Call::KILL` request to the Mesos Master, then the Mesos is
going to kill your task.

>Is this the exact text to search for or is this the name of the protobuf
message? Are these logged on a higher log level?
it exists in the log of the agents. It looks like
I1004 23:19:36.175673 45405 slave.cpp:1539] Got assigned task '1' for
framework e7287433-36f9-48dd-8633-8a6ac7083a43-0000
I1004 23:19:36.176206 45405 slave.cpp:1696] Launching task '1' for
framework e7287433-36f9-48dd-8633-8a6ac7083a43-0000
Usually, you could grep your task id in the agent log to see how the task

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 8:50 PM, Frank Scholten <fr...@frankscholten.nl>

> Thanks Haosdent for your quick response.
> I added GLOG_v=1 to the master and agents.
> 1. The framework is registered. Marathon in this case.
> 2. I see messages 'Telling agent (...) to kill task (...)'. Why does
> this happen? I also see 'Sending explicit reconciliation state
> TASK_LOST for task fake-marathon-pacemaker-task-(...)'.
> 3. I searched for RunTaskMessage in the agent log but could not find
> it. Is this the exact text to search for or is this the name of the
> protobuf message? Are these logged on a higher log level?
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:22 AM, haosdent <haosd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > staging is the initialize status of the task. I think you may your logs
> via
> > these steps:
> >
> > 1. If your framework registered successfully in the master?
> > 2. If the master send resources offers to your framework and your
> framework
> > accept it?
> > 3. If your agents receive the RunTaskMessage from master to launch your
> > task?
> >
> > In additionally, use `export GLOG_v=1` before start masters and agents
> may
> > helpful for your troubleshooting.
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Frank Scholten <fr...@frankscholten.nl>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I am looking for some ways to troubleshoot or debug tasks that are
> >> stuck in the 'staging' state. Typically they have no logs in the
> >> sandbox.
> >>
> >> Are there are any endpoints or things to look for in logs to identify
> >> a root cause?
> >>
> >> Is there a troubleshooting guide for Mesos to solve problems like this?
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >> Frank
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Haosdent Huang

Best Regards,
Haosdent Huang

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