How many resources does the agent register with the master? How many
resources does spark task need?

I'm guessing marathon is not registered with "test" role so it is only
getting un-reserved resources which are not enough for spark task?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Vijay Srinivasaraghavan <> wrote:

> I have a standalone DCOS setup (Single node Vagrant VM running DCOS
> v.1.9-dev build + Mesos 1.0.1 + Marathon 1.3.0). Both master and agent are
> running on same VM.
> Resource: 4 CPU, 16GB Memory, 20G Disk
> I have created a quota using new V1 API which creates a role "test" with
> resource constraints of 0.5 CPU and 1G Memory.
> When I try to deploy Spark package, Marathon receives the request but the
> task is in "waiting" state since it did not receive any offers from Master
> though I don't see any resource constraints from the hardware perspective.
> However, when I deleted the quota, Marathon is able to move forward with
> the deployment and Spark was deployed/up and running. I could see from the
> Mesos master logs that it had sent an offer to the Marathon framework.
> To debug the issue, I was trying to create a quota but this time did not
> provide any CPU and Memory (0 cpu and 0 mem). After this, when I try to
> deploy Spark from DCOS UI, I could see Marathon getting offer from Master
> and able to deploy Spark without the need to delete the quota this time.
> Did anyone notice similar behavior?
> Regards
> Vijay

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