I found problems in systemd/linux.

First, I use wildcard in limit.conf which I changed to specific user.

Second, in service I define user and group to.

Because before even ulimit -n show correct value and process was launched
with correct user. Actual process limit was default.


On 30 December 2016 at 16:46, June Taylor <j...@umn.edu> wrote:

> Kiril,
> We had this problem too and had a confusing time understanding how the
> ulimit setting was being applied to mesos executors.
> Here is what we learned which seems to work:
> The startup script /usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper reads configuration values
> from /etc/default/mesos
> In this file, the configuration value for the ULIMIT parameter is fed as
> the argument to the 'ulimit' command.
> Therefore, this is what we have in our /etc/default/mesos file:
> ULIMIT="-n 20000"
> This gets passed in to the line in /usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper which looks
> like this:
>   [[ ! ${ULIMIT:-} ]]    || ulimit $ULIMIT
> ..and sets your limits correctly. It is not sufficient to set systemwide
> ulimits.
> Do beware when performing upgrades that replace the content in
> /etc/default/mesos
> Thanks,
> June Taylor
> *(she / her)*
> System Administrator, Minnesota Population Center
> University of Minnesota
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Kiril Menshikov <kmenshi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> ​Hi,
>> I have executor which run java programs. One executor execute around 800
>> tasks. Last ~100 failed with "Too many open files". I increased nofile
>> and nproc limits. During my debug I could not say that problem in in the
>> tasks. But some times linux reach limits. I see some boxes are good with
>> out 'Too many open files errors'. But some has such errors.
>> I run executor through mesos-containerizer and isolation is posix/cpu,
>> posix/mem.
>> Can some one explain why this happens? Is it better to create separate
>> executor for each task? Tasks have common code but has different commands.
>> Any help are welcomed.
>> mesos-containerizer launch --command={"shell":true,"value":"java -cp
>> executor-all-1.0.jar com.stone.mesos.MesosTestExecutor"} --environment={"
>> RY":"\/var\/lib\/mesos\/slaves\/7e30a916-1296-4f47-813
>> a-0972030b6907-S14\/frameworks\/7e30a916-1296-4f47-813a-
>> 0972030b6907-0020\/executors\/client_b12.tar-0f9e8f80-a217-
>> 4b28-bb5e-4dd7cc587381\/runs\/ee8857e2-ac19-4f07-810d-c2e71fbf522e","
>> MESOS_EXECUTOR_ID":"client_b12.tar-0f9e8f80-
>> a217-4b28-bb5e-4dd7cc587381","MESOS_EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_GRACE_
>> PERIOD":"5secs","MESOS_FRAMEWORK_ID":"7e30a916-1296-4f47-
>> 813a-0972030b6907-0020","MESOS_HTTP_COMMAND_EXECUTOR":"0","MESOS
>> _NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY":"\/usr\/local\/lib\/libmesos-1.1.0.so","MESOS
>> _NATIVE_LIBRARY":"\/usr\/local\/lib\/libmesos-1.1.0.so","MESOS_RECOVERY_
>> TIMEOUT":"15mins","MESOS_SANDBOX":"\/var\/lib\/mesos\/
>> slaves\/7e30a916-1296-4f47-813a-0972030b6907-S14\/framewo
>> rks\/7e30a916-1296-4f47-813a-0972030b6907-0020\/executors\/
>> client_b12.tar-0f9e8f80-a217-4b28-bb5e-4dd7cc587381\/runs\/
>> ee8857e2-ac19-4f07-810d-c2e71fbf522e","MESOS_SLAVE_ID"
>> :"7e30a916-1296-4f47-813a-0972030b6907-S14","MESOS_SLAVE_PID":"slave(1)@
>> usr\/local\/sbin:\/usr\/local\/bin:\/usr\/sbin:\/usr\/bin:\/sbin:\/bin"}
>> --help=false --pipe_read=12 --pipe_write=13 --pre_exec_commands=[] --
>> runtime_directory=/var/run/mesos/containers/ee8857e2-ac19-4f07-810d-c2e71fbf522e
>> --unshare_namespace_mnt=false --user=ec2-user
>> --working_directory=/var/lib/mesos/slaves/7e30a916-1296-4f47
>> -813a-0972030b6907-S14/frameworks/7e30a916-1296-4f47-813a-
>> 0972030b6907-0020/executors/client_b12.tar-0f9e8f80-a217-
>> 4b28-bb5e-4dd7cc587381/runs/ee8857e2-ac19-4f07-810d-c2e71fbf522e
>> Thanks,
>> -Kiril​

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