Can you paste the logs or master and framework?


> On Jan 23, 2017, at 8:05 AM, Vova Shelgunov <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I faced a very strange situation with my framework that talks to mesos master 
> via Scheduler HTTP API:
> Sometimes my framework stops to receive the heartbeats and task updates from 
> a master.
> I read the documentation of mesos 
> (, Network 
> partitions section and I see that if a framework does not receive the 
> heartbeats within some time it should reconnect to the master.
> I have written a heartbeat monitor that checks if there were not heartbeats 
> last n seconds, then reconnect, but after the reconnection, I all the time 
> receive an ERROR from the mesos master that my framework has been removed.
> Why is it happening?
> Regards,
> Uladzimir

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