The breakdown of the 10ms between launching on the agent and getting
TASK_FINISHED from the agent could be seen by looking at the agent logs. Do
you have them?

The 40ms it takes from forwarding the update to receiving the
acknowledgement seems excessive, since the scheduler has to do a lot less
work than the agent and that only takes 10ms. It would be great have the
scheduler do some logging so that we can see if there is network latency
here or there is inefficient processing in the v1 scheduler library.

As a next step, I would suggest building the complete timeline of logs,
which includes scheduler (you likely need to do some logging here), master
and agent logs.

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 8:43 AM, <> wrote:

> Thanks Benjamin,
> I looked into the logs and it seems the delay is between the master and
> the scheduler:
> Master log:
> I0314 *18:23:59.409423* 39743 master.cpp:3776] *Processing ACCEPT call*
> for offers: [ afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-O25 ] on agent
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0 at slave(1)@
> (hadoop-master) for framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000
> (Mesos BM Scheduler)
> W0314 18:23:59.410166 39743 validation.cpp:1064] Executor
> 'MesosBMExecutorId' for task '8' uses less CPUs (None) than the minimum
> required (0.01). Please update your executor, as this will be mandatory in
> future releases.
> W0314 18:23:59.410221 39743 validation.cpp:1076] Executor
> 'MesosBMExecutorId' for task '8' uses less memory (None) than the minimum
> required (32MB). Please update your executor, as this will be mandatory in
> future releases.
> I0314 18:23:59.410292 39743 master.cpp:9053] Adding task 8 with resources
> cpus(*)(allocated: *):0.01 on agent edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0
> at slave(1)@ (hadoop-master)
> I0314 *18:23:59.410331* 39743 master.cpp:4426] *Launching task 8 of
> framework* afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 (Mesos BM Scheduler)
> with resources cpus(*)(allocated: *):0.01 on agent 
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0
> at slave(1)@ (hadoop-master)
> I0314 18:23:59.411258 39738 hierarchical.cpp:807] Updated allocation of
> framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 on agent
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0 from cpus(*)(allocated: *):0.01
> to cpus(*)(allocated: *):0.01
> I0314 18:23:59.415060 39723 master.cpp:6992] Sending 1 offers to framework
> afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 (Mesos BM Scheduler)
> I0314 *18:23:59.420624* 39757 master.cpp:6154] *Status update
> TASK_FINISHED* (UUID: 583ea071-de66-4050-9513-8ff432da605f) for *task 8*
> of framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 from agent
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0 at slave(1)@
> (hadoop-master)
> I0314 *18:23:59.420671* 39757 master.cpp:6222] *Forwarding status update
> TASK_FINISHED* (UUID: 583ea071-de66-4050-9513-8ff432da605f) for *task 8*
> of framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000
> I0314 18:23:59.420819 39757 master.cpp:8302] Updating the state of task 8
> of framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 (latest state:
> TASK_FINISHED, status update state: TASK_FINISHED)
> I0314 18:23:59.425354 39742 master.cpp:6992] Sending 1 offers to framework
> afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 (Mesos BM Scheduler)
> I0314 18:23:59.459801 39741 http.cpp:420] HTTP POST for
> /master/api/v1/scheduler from
> W0314 18:23:59.459889 39741 master.cpp:3634] Implicitly declining offers:
> [ afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-O26 ] in ACCEPT call for framework
> afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 as the launch operation
> specified no tasks
> I0314 18:23:59.460055 39741 master.cpp:3776] Processing ACCEPT call for
> offers: [ afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-O26 ] on agent
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0 at slave(1)@
> (hadoop-master) for framework afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000
> (Mesos BM Scheduler)
> I0314 18:23:59.460435 39741 http.cpp:420] HTTP POST for
> /master/api/v1/scheduler from
> I0314 *18:23:59.460484* 39741 master.cpp:5092*] Processing ACKNOWLEDGE
> call* 583ea071-de66-4050-9513-8ff432da605f for *task 8* of framework
> afd6b67b-cac0-4b9f-baf6-2a456f4e84fa-0000 (Mesos BM Scheduler) on agent
> edbbafb6-4f7b-4da2-8782-8e01461906dc-S0
> From master log you can see that the time between the master received the
> offer accept, until forwarding task_finished status to scheduler is ~11ms.
> For some reason the scheduler acknowledge came after ~40ms although I’m
> sending it immediately upon status update. Moreover I can’t explain why the
> time between receiving an offer until accepting it (even on empty accept)
> take ~40ms. I think this might be related to the problem.
> My scheduler is written in Java, inheriting 
> org.apache.mesos.v1.scheduler.Scheduler
> and passing it to org.apache.mesos.v1.scheduler.V1Mesos.
> This is my scheduler impl for processUpdate and processOffers (called upon
> ‘received’ with Protos.Event.UPDATE/OFFERS respectively):
> private void processOffers(Mesos mesos, List<Offer> offers) {
>         for (Offer offer : offers) {
>             Offer.Operation.Launch.Builder launch =
> Offer.Operation.Launch.newBuilder();
>             double offerCpus = 0;
>             for (Resource resource : offer.getResourcesList()){
>                 if (resource.getName().equals("cpus")){
>                     offerCpus += resource.getScalar().getValue();
>                 }
>             }
>   "Received offer " + offer.getId().getValue() + "
> from agent: " + offer.getHostname() + " [cpus: " + offerCpus + "]");
>             while (!pendingTasks.isEmpty())
>             {
>                 Task task = pendingTasks.peek();
>                 if (task.requiredCpus <= offerCpus){
>                     TaskID taskId = TaskID.newBuilder()
>                             .setValue(Integer.toString(
> launchedTasks++)).build();
>           "Launching task " + taskId.getValue() +
>                             " using offer " + offer.getId().getValue());
>                     TaskInfo taskInfo = TaskInfo.newBuilder()
>                             .setName("task " + taskId.getValue())
>                             .setTaskId(taskId)
>                             .setAgentId(offer.getAgentId())
>                             .addResources(Resource.newBuilder()
>                                     .setName("cpus")
>                                     .setType(Value.Type.SCALAR)
>                                     .setScalar(Value.Scalar.newBuilder()
>                                             .setValue(task.requiredCpus)
>                                             .build()))
>                             .setExecutor(executorInfo)
>                             .build();
>                     launch.addTaskInfos(taskInfo);
>                     offerCpus -= task.requiredCpus;
>                     submittedTasks.put(taskId, pendingTasks.poll());
>                 }
>                 else {
>                     break;
>                 }
>             }
>             mesos.send(Call.newBuilder()
>                     .setType(Call.Type.ACCEPT)
>                     .setFrameworkId(frameworkId)
>                     .setAccept(Call.Accept.newBuilder()
>                             .addOfferIds(offer.getId())
>                             .addOperations(Offer.Operation.newBuilder()
>                                     .setType(Offer.Operation.Type.LAUNCH)
>                                     .setLaunch(launch)
>                                     .build())
>                             .setFilters(Filters.newBuilder()
>                                     .setRefuseSeconds(0)
>                                     .build()))
>                     .build());
>         }
>"Completed handling offers");
>     }
> private void processUpdate(Mesos mesos, TaskStatus taskStatus)
>     {
>"Task " + taskStatus.getTaskId().getValue() + "
> status " + taskStatus.getState().name());
>         if (taskStatus.hasUuid()) {
>             mesos.send(Call.newBuilder()
>                     .setType(Call.Type.ACKNOWLEDGE)
>                     .setFrameworkId(frameworkId)
>                     .setAcknowledge(Call.Acknowledge.newBuilder()
>                             .setAgentId(taskStatus.getAgentId())
>                             .setTaskId(taskStatus.getTaskId())
>                             .setUuid(taskStatus.getUuid())
>                             .build())
>                     .build());
>         }
>     }
> *From:* Benjamin Mahler []
> *Sent:* Friday, March 10, 2017 12:52 AM
> *To:* user
> *Subject:* Re: High performance, low latency framework over mesos
> Have you taken a look at the logs across your scheduler / master / agent
> to see where the latency is introduced? We can then discuss options to
> reduce the latency.
> Ben
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 5:03 AM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m implementing my own framework (scheduler + executor) over mesos. The
> framework is oriented for low latency, short running tasks (i.e. task time
> is hundreds of ms).
> I wrote a simple scheduler and executor and measured the time of task
> submission RTT (round trip) – that is the elapsed time from submitting the
> task at scheduler (by accepting and offer) and until the scheduler received
> The task on executor side does nothing but to immediately sending
> I see that the RTT is ~50ms which is quite a lot for my scenario, I was
> wondering if this is controllable and why does it take so long to receive
> status update.
> Thanks
> *Assaf.*
> ------------------------------
> ------------------------------

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