
sorry to insist, is the understanding below correct ? I'm really not sure.

I understand that network/portmapping isolator is using disjoint port ranges to multiplex traffic into the same ports into containers but I'm not really sure if we're talking about ephemeral or non-ephemeral ports here neither if I correctly understand what kind of port is for what kind of use.

About the direct mapping : what in the container is listening to the mapped port ? How ?

Also what kind of this ephemeral vs non-ephermeral port is called a hostPort in Marathon ?

Here's my initial understanding :

On 04/05/2017 12:23 PM, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:
Ok, thanks.

So if I wrap my head around all of this and try to answer my original question I come up with the following understanding :

- servicePorts a a Marathon only concept

- port mapping isolator is not compatible with docker containerizer

- port mapping isolator is useful when you cannot afford one ip / container

- port mapping isolator uses *ephemeral* ports to multiplex traffic into containers

the *ephemeral* port range is divided into *disjoint* subsets of *contiguous* ports, each one affected to one container with a direct mapping hostport <-> containerPort.

- non-ephemeral ports are affected to framework as a resource. So containers have *disjoint* sets of them but *not in a contiguous* range

- the default port range offered by a slave is [31000-32000] : those are *non-ephemeral* ports and is not related to the activation or non activation of the port-mapping isolator

- with docker containerizer in HOST mode, Marathon framework is offered such a port (in the [31000-32000] range and shows it in the GUI, but the app can bind to any different hostport *not in that range* (ex: 9090). In BRIDGE mode, the Marathon so-called 'hostPort' has to be in that range (why is that ?)

I am right this time ? ;-)




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