Hi, All:

I'm studying Mesos code, become very confused about the internal working
flow of executing a simple docker image,
such as  "mesos-execute  --master=XXX  --containerizer=docker  --name=test
 --docker_image=XXX --shell=false".
I believe "mesos-1.2.0/src/cli/*execute.cpp*" is the implementation of this
"mesos-execute", which is called "Command Executor" in the official

I see "*execute.cpp*" internally setups a "CommandScheduler", which has a
"received()" function that listens for events from the master. If it
receives an "*Event::OFFERS*", it will start the procedure of executing the
tasks on the offered resources (slaves).

However, I cannot find exactly where is the resource offered to the client
I see there is an "offer()" function in "mesos-1.2.0/src/master/*master.cpp*".
But it sends a "*ResourceOffersMessage*", not an event, and no transforming
the event to a message.
I find that only "mesos-1.2.0/src/sched/*sched.cpp*" can receive and
process this type of message. But I don't see how is "*sched.cpp*" used in
other code....

So, I cannot find the exact workflow of sending the offered resource (from
master), to the Command Executor.  What's the scheduler for this Command
Could someone help me to understand?


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