
By default, Mesos marks all mounts in a Mesos container as slave mount.
Therefore, the mount propagation is from host to container, but not
container to host.

I am actually working on a patch chain to enable bidirectional mount

In particular, see the proposed API in this patch:

That'll help achieve your goal. Stay tuned and we'll land this in next
Mesos release.

- Jie

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Tobias Pfeiffer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> in my Mesos job (Mesos containerizer) I am mounting a squashfs image file
> to some directory on the file system and can access the directory and its
> contents fine from within that job. However, on the Mesos host (i.e., not
> in the job itself) that directory does not appear in the output of the
> `mount` command and when inspecting the directory, it is empty. In
> particular, my Mesos job launches a Docker container and mounts that
> previously mounted directory as a volume (don't ask ...), but in the Docker
> container that volume is also empty.
> I am wondering if there is any way that I could make a mount operation
> performed by a job visible to the outside world?
> Thanks
> Tobias

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