How is agent2 able to see agent1's containers? Are they running on the same
box!? Are they somehow sharing the filesystem? If yes, that's not supported.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Dan Leary <> wrote:

> Sure, master log and agent logs are attached.
> Synopsis:  In the master log, tasks t000001 and t000002 are running...
> > I1114 17:08:15.972033  5443 master.cpp:6841] Status update TASK_RUNNING
> (UUID: 9686a6b8-b04d-4bc5-9d26-32d50c7b0f74) for task t000001 of
> framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 from agent
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1)
> > I1114 17:08:19.142276  5448 master.cpp:6841] Status update TASK_RUNNING
> (UUID: a6c72f31-2e47-4003-b707-9e8c4fb24f05) for task t000002 of
> framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 from agent
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1)
> Operator starts up agent2 around 17:08:50ish.  Executor1 and its tasks are
> terminated....
> > I1114 17:08:54.835841  5447 master.cpp:6964] Executor 'executor1' of
> framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 on agent
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1): terminated with signal Killed
> > I1114 17:08:54.835959  5447 master.cpp:9051] Removing executor
> 'executor1' with resources [] of framework 
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001
> on agent 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1)
> > I1114 17:08:54.837419  5436 master.cpp:6841] Status update TASK_FAILED
> (UUID: d6697064-6639-4d50-b88e-65b3eead182d) for task t000001 of
> framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 from agent
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1)
> > I1114 17:08:54.837497  5436 master.cpp:6903] Forwarding status update
> TASK_FAILED (UUID: d6697064-6639-4d50-b88e-65b3eead182d) for task t000001
> of framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001
> > I1114 17:08:54.837896  5436 master.cpp:8928] Updating the state of task
> t000001 of framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 (latest
> state: TASK_FAILED, status update state: TASK_FAILED)
> > I1114 17:08:54.839159  5436 master.cpp:6841] Status update TASK_FAILED
> (UUID: 7e7f2078-3455-468b-9529-23aa14f7a7e0) for task t000002 of
> framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 from agent
> 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-S0 at slave(1)@
> (agent1)
> > I1114 17:08:54.839221  5436 master.cpp:6903] Forwarding status update
> TASK_FAILED (UUID: 7e7f2078-3455-468b-9529-23aa14f7a7e0) for task t000002
> of framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001
> > I1114 17:08:54.839493  5436 master.cpp:8928] Updating the state of task
> t000002 of framework 10aa0208-4a85-466c-af89-7e73617516f5-0001 (latest
> state: TASK_FAILED, status update state: TASK_FAILED)
> But agent2 doesn't register until later...
> > I1114 17:08:55.588762  5442 master.cpp:5714] Received register agent
> message from slave(1)@ (agent2)
> Meanwhile in the agent1 log, the termination of executor1 appears to be
> the result of the destruction of its container...
> > I1114 17:08:54.810638  5468 containerizer.cpp:2612] Container
> cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 has exited
> > I1114 17:08:54.810732  5468 containerizer.cpp:2166] Destroying container
> cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 in RUNNING state
> > I1114 17:08:54.810761  5468 containerizer.cpp:2712] Transitioning the
> state of container cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 from RUNNING to
> Apparently because agent2 decided to "recover" the very same container...
> > I1114 17:08:54.775907  6041 linux_launcher.cpp:373]
> cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 is a known orphaned container
> > I1114 17:08:54.779634  6037 containerizer.cpp:966] Cleaning up orphan
> container cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84
> > I1114 17:08:54.779705  6037 containerizer.cpp:2166] Destroying container
> cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 in RUNNING state
> > I1114 17:08:54.779737  6037 containerizer.cpp:2712] Transitioning the
> state of container cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84 from RUNNING to
> > I1114 17:08:54.780740  6041 linux_launcher.cpp:505] Asked to destroy
> container cbcf6992-3094-4d0f-8482-4d68f68eae84
> Seems like an issue with the containerizer?
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 4:46 PM, Vinod Kone <> wrote:
>> That seems weird then. A new agent coming up on a new ip and host,
>> shouldn't affect other agents running on different hosts. Can you share
>> master logs that surface the issue?
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Dan Leary <> wrote:
>>> Just one mesos-master (no zookeeper) with --ip=
>>> --hostname=localhost.
>>> In /etc/hosts are
>>>    agent1
>>>    agent2
>>> etc. and mesos-agent gets passed --ip= --hostname=agent1 etc.
>>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Vinod Kone <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ```Experiments thus far are with a cluster all on a single host,
>>>> master on, agents have their own ip's and hostnames and ports.```
>>>> What does this mean? How are all your masters and agents on the same
>>>> host but still get different ips and hostnames?
>>>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Dan Leary <> wrote:
>>>>> So I have a bespoke framework that runs under 1.4.0 using the v1 HTTP
>>>>> API, custom executor, checkpointing disabled.
>>>>> When the framework is running happily and a new agent is added to the
>>>>> cluster all the existing executors immediately get terminated.
>>>>> The scheduler is told of the lost executors and tasks and then
>>>>> receives offers about agents old and new and carries on normally.
>>>>> I would expect however that the existing executors should keep running
>>>>> and the scheduler should just receive offers about the new agent.
>>>>> It's as if agent recovery is being performed when the new agent is
>>>>> launched even though no old agent has exited.
>>>>> Experiments thus far are with a cluster all on a single host, master
>>>>> on, agents have their own ip's and hostnames and ports.
>>>>> Am I missing a configuration parameter?   Or is this correct behavior?
>>>>> -Dan

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