There is a way to tell curl (inside Mesos) to use the --insecure flag? (It 
turns off the CA certificate check) or export SSL_NO_VERIFY=1

But it sounds more like a hack, if you have a certificate it should work. Maybe 
you need to install the certificate system wide and not just for docker?

How did you install it? On Fedora, for example on your Docker node:

sudo keytool -printcert -sslserver machinewithcertificate.domain:443 -rfc > 
/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ machinewithcertificate.domain.crt
sudo update-ca-trust
sudo systemctl restart docker

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Wulff <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Docker registry without HTTPS

Hi Jose,

yes, I configured the registry as an insecure registry. I also verified that I 
can use the docker command to pull from this registry

docker pull mother:5000/ben/experiment:1

But the problem is that Mesos calls curl to query the registry (I suppose) (1).

The point where I am at right now is:
- when using a registry with HTTP: mesos curl fails because it assumes HTTPS 
and the registry answers in HTTP
- when using a registry with HTTPS: mesos curl fails because it doesn’t know my 
CA certificate

What’s puzzling me is that I have installed the CA cert in the OS’s trust-store 
and I when I do curl on the command line

curl https://mother:5000/v2/_catalog

then it works. I can see in [1] that mesos seems to use the curl that is 
installed in the host OS, see [1] line 158. It uses Subprocess and calls ‘curl’ 
which should yield calling the curl that is installed in the OS. That should be 
the same curl that is available to users in the console.



> On 27. Aug 2020, at 16:06, Jose Nunez <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I do not use Mesos currently  but this is what I did in the Docker settings.
> If you don't care about encryption you can tell docker to use an insecure 
> registry. On /etc/docker/daemon.json:
> {
>    "insecure-registries" : [ "myregistrymachine.domain:port" ],
>    "features": {
>        "buildkit": true
>    }
> }
> Where port is your registry port (5000, etc.)
> Then restart Docker daemon (systemctl restart docker.service for
> example)
> And confirm the insecure registry is there: docker info
> If you have setup user authentication you can test this with docker login:
> docker login myregistrymachine.domain:port
> [YYYY@ZXXXX ~]$ docker login myregistrymachine.domain:port
> Authenticating with existing credentials...
> WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in 
> /home/YYYY/.docker/config.json.
> Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
> s-store
> Login Succeeded
> Hope this helps.
> --Jose
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Wulff <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 9:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Docker registry without HTTPS
> Hi all,
> I’m running a Docker registry in my cluster network that does plain HTTP, no 
> HTTPS. I tried to configure it using    docker_registry    and   
> docker_config     options, providing an http:// address. When I try to run a 
> Docker image in a task it fails and I see in the log a message that CURL SSL 
> got a malformed TLS answer. So apparently Mesos still tells curl to do 
> whatever it should do via HTTPS.
> I have seen posts that seem to indicate that it will switch to HTTP 
> automatically when you provide port ‘:80’ as part of the URI for the 
> registry. However, I cannot put the registry on 80 because there is already a 
> Webserver sitting that is used for distributing artefacts in the cluster.
> —> Is there a way to tell Mesos that it (respectively curl) use HTTP instead 
> of HTTPS?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Ben
> PS: I also saw in the logs:
> curl: option —http1.1: is unknown
> curl: try ‘curl —help’ or ‘curl —manual’ for more information
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